Catalog-based Forecast Evaluation

This example shows how to evaluate a catalog-based forecasting using the Number test. This test is the simplest of the evaluations.

  1. Define forecast properties (time horizon, spatial region, etc).

  2. Access catalog from ComCat

  3. Filter catalog to be consistent with the forecast properties

  4. Apply catalog-based number test to catalog

  5. Visualize results for catalog-based forecast

Load required libraries

Most of the core functionality can be imported from the top-level csep package. Utilities are available from the csep.utils subpackage.

import csep
from csep.core import regions, catalog_evaluations
from csep.utils import datasets, time_utils

Define start and end times of forecast

Forecasts should define a time horizon in which they are valid. The choice is flexible for catalog-based forecasts, because the catalogs can be filtered to accommodate multiple end-times. Conceptually, these should be separate forecasts.

Define spatial and magnitude regions

Before we can compute the bin-wise rates we need to define a spatial region and a set of magnitude bin edges. The magnitude bin edges # are the lower bound (inclusive) except for the last bin, which is treated as extending to infinity. We can bind these # to the forecast object. This can also be done by passing them as keyword arguments into csep.load_catalog_forecast().

# Magnitude bins properties
min_mw = 4.95
max_mw = 8.95
dmw = 0.1

# Create space and magnitude regions. The forecast is already filtered in space and magnitude
magnitudes = regions.magnitude_bins(min_mw, max_mw, dmw)
region = regions.california_relm_region()

# Bind region information to the forecast (this will be used for binning of the catalogs)
space_magnitude_region = regions.create_space_magnitude_region(region, magnitudes)

Load catalog forecast

To reduce the file size of this example, we’ve already filtered the catalogs to the appropriate magnitudes and spatial locations. The original forecast was computed for 1 year following the start date, so we still need to filter the catalog in time. We can do this by passing a list of filtering arguments to the forecast or updating the class.

By default, the forecast loads catalogs on-demand, so the filters are applied as the catalog loads. On-demand means that until we loop over the forecast in some capacity, none of the catalogs are actually loaded.

More fine-grain control and optimizations can be achieved by creating a csep.core.forecasts.CatalogForecast directly.

forecast = csep.load_catalog_forecast(datasets.ucerf3_ascii_format_landers_fname,
                                      start_time = start_time, end_time = end_time,
                                      region = space_magnitude_region,
                                      apply_filters = True)

# Assign filters to forecast
forecast.filters = [f'origin_time >= {forecast.start_epoch}', f'origin_time < {forecast.end_epoch}']

Obtain evaluation catalog from ComCat

The csep.core.forecasts.CatalogForecast provides a method to compute the expected number of events in spatial cells. This requires a region with magnitude information.

We need to filter the ComCat catalog to be consistent with the forecast. This can be done either through the ComCat API or using catalog filtering strings. Here we’ll use the ComCat API to make the data access quicker for this example. We still need to filter the observed catalog in space though.

# Obtain Comcat catalog and filter to region.
comcat_catalog = csep.query_comcat(start_time, end_time, min_magnitude=forecast.min_magnitude)

# Filter observed catalog using the same region as the forecast
comcat_catalog = comcat_catalog.filter_spatial(forecast.region)

# Plot the catalog
catalog forecast evaluation
Fetched ComCat catalog in 0.43216490745544434 seconds.

Downloaded catalog from ComCat with following parameters
Start Date: 1992-06-28 12:00:45+00:00
End Date: 1992-07-24 18:14:36.250000+00:00
Min Latitude: 33.901 and Max Latitude: 36.705
Min Longitude: -118.067 and Max Longitude: -116.285
Min Magnitude: 4.95
Found 19 events in the ComCat catalog.

        Name: None

        Start Date: 1992-06-28 12:00:45+00:00
        End Date: 1992-07-24 18:14:36.250000+00:00

        Latitude: (33.901, 36.705)
        Longitude: (-118.067, -116.285)

        Min Mw: 4.95
        Max Mw: 6.3

        Event Count: 19

<GeoAxes: >

Perform number test

We can perform the Number test on the catalog based forecast using the observed catalog we obtained from Comcat.

Processed 1 catalogs in 0.0011415481567382812 seconds
Processed 2 catalogs in 0.00154876708984375 seconds
Processed 3 catalogs in 0.0019335746765136719 seconds
Processed 4 catalogs in 0.0022041797637939453 seconds
Processed 5 catalogs in 0.0024483203887939453 seconds
Processed 6 catalogs in 0.0028121471405029297 seconds
Processed 7 catalogs in 0.003077268600463867 seconds
Processed 8 catalogs in 0.003446340560913086 seconds
Processed 9 catalogs in 0.0044384002685546875 seconds
Processed 10 catalogs in 0.004788875579833984 seconds
Processed 20 catalogs in 0.008377313613891602 seconds
Processed 30 catalogs in 0.012189388275146484 seconds
Processed 40 catalogs in 0.015733003616333008 seconds
Processed 50 catalogs in 0.019704341888427734 seconds
Processed 60 catalogs in 0.023021936416625977 seconds
Processed 70 catalogs in 0.0261688232421875 seconds
Processed 80 catalogs in 0.029591798782348633 seconds
Processed 90 catalogs in 0.0331876277923584 seconds
Processed 100 catalogs in 0.036298513412475586 seconds
Processed 200 catalogs in 0.06714224815368652 seconds
Processed 300 catalogs in 0.1013944149017334 seconds
Processed 400 catalogs in 0.13499784469604492 seconds
Processed 500 catalogs in 0.19602036476135254 seconds
Processed 600 catalogs in 0.22859644889831543 seconds
Processed 700 catalogs in 0.26172542572021484 seconds
Processed 800 catalogs in 0.32456302642822266 seconds
Processed 900 catalogs in 0.3562328815460205 seconds
Processed 1000 catalogs in 0.3890953063964844 seconds
Processed 2000 catalogs in 0.8476729393005371 seconds
Processed 3000 catalogs in 1.2587950229644775 seconds
Processed 4000 catalogs in 1.6920816898345947 seconds
Processed 5000 catalogs in 2.113294839859009 seconds
Processed 6000 catalogs in 2.5213208198547363 seconds
Processed 7000 catalogs in 2.953939199447632 seconds
Processed 8000 catalogs in 3.341305732727051 seconds
Processed 9000 catalogs in 3.797149419784546 seconds
Processed 10000 catalogs in 4.197768449783325 seconds

Plot number test result

We can create a simple visualization of the number test from the evaluation result class.

ax = number_test_result.plot(show=True)
Number Test

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 9.308 seconds)

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