Installing pyCSEP ================= We are working on a ``conda-forge`` recipe and PyPI distribution. If you plan on contributing to this package, visit the `contribution guidelines `_ for installation instructions. .. note:: This package requires >=Python 3.9. The easiest way to install PyCSEP is using ``conda``. It can also be installed using ``pip`` or built from source. Using Conda ----------- For most users, you can use :: conda install --channel conda-forge pycsep Using Pip --------- Before this installation will work, you must **first** install the following system dependencies. The remaining dependencies should be installed by the installation script. To help manage dependency issues, we recommend using virtual environments like `virtualenv`. | Python 3.9 or later ( | | NumPy 1.21.3 or later ( | Python package for scientific computing and numerical calculations. | | SciPy 1.7.1 or later ( | Python package that extends NumPy tools. | | Pandas 1.3.4 or later ( | Python package for data analysis and manipulation. | | Cartopy 0.22.0 or later ( | Python package for geospatial data processing. Example for Ubuntu and MacOS: :: git clone pip install --upgrade pip pip install -e . Installing from Source ---------------------- Use this approach if you want the most up-to-date code. This creates an editable installation that can be synced with the latest GitHub commit. We recommend using virtual environments when installing python packages from source to avoid any dependency conflicts. We prefer ``conda`` as the package manager over ``pip``, because ``conda`` does a good job of handling binary distributions of packages across multiple platforms. Also, we recommend using the ``miniconda`` or the ``miniforge`` (which uses mamba for a faster dependency handling) installers, because it is lightweight and only includes necessary pacakages like ``pip`` and ``zlib``. Using Conda *********** If you don't have ``conda`` on your machine, download and install `Miniconda `_ or `Miniforge `_ :: git clone cd pycsep conda env create -f requirements.yml conda activate csep-dev # Installs in editor mode with all dependencies pip install -e . Note: If you want to go back to your default environment use the command ``conda deactivate``. Using Pip / Virtualenv ********************** We highly recommend using Conda, because this tools helps to manage binary dependencies on Python packages. If you must use `Virtualenv `_ follow these instructions: :: git clone cd pycsep python -m virtualenv venv source venv/bin/activate # Installs in editor mode dependencies are installed by conda pip install -e .[all] Note: If you want to go back to your default environment use the command ``deactivate``. Developers Installation ----------------------- This shows you how to install a copy of the repository that you can use to create Pull Requests and sync with the upstream repository. First, fork the repo on GitHub. It will now live at ````. We recommend using ``conda`` to install the development environment. :: git clone cd pycsep conda env create -f requirements.yml conda activate csep-dev pip install -e .[all] # Allow sync with default repository git remote add upstream This ensures to have a clean installation of ``pyCSEP`` and the required developer dependencies (e.g., ``pytest``, ``sphinx``). Now you can pull from upstream using ``git pull upstream master`` to keep your copy of the repository in sync with the latest commits.