import numpy
import scipy.stats
import scipy.special
# PyCSEP imports
from csep.core import regions
def sup_dist(cdf1, cdf2):
given two cumulative distribution functions, compute the supremum of the set of absolute distances.
this function does not check that the ecdfs are ordered or balanced. beware!
return numpy.max(numpy.absolute(cdf2 - cdf1))
def sup_dist_na(data1, data2):
computes the ks statistic for two ecdfs that are not necessarily aligned on the same values. performs this
operation by merging the two datasets together. this is taken from the 2sample ks test in the scipy codebase
data1: (numpy array like)
data2: (numpy array like)
ks: sup dist from the two cdf functions
data1, data2 = map(numpy.asarray, (data1, data2))
n1 = len(data1)
n2 = len(data2)
data1 = numpy.sort(data1)
data2 = numpy.sort(data2)
data_all = numpy.concatenate([data1,data2])
cdf1 = numpy.searchsorted(data1,data_all,side='right')/(1.0*n1)
cdf2 = (numpy.searchsorted(data2,data_all,side='right'))/(1.0*n2)
d = numpy.max(numpy.absolute(cdf1-cdf2))
return d
def cumulative_square_diff(cdf1, cdf2):
given two cumulative distribution functions, compute the cumulative sq. diff of the set of distances.
this function does not check that the ecdfs are ordered or balanced. beware!
cdf1: ndarray
cdf2: ndarray
cum_dist: scalar distance metric for the histograms
return numpy.sum((cdf2 - cdf1)**2)
def binned_ecdf(x, vals):
returns the statement P(X ≤ x) for val in vals.
vals must be monotonically increasing and unqiue.
tuple: sorted vals, and ecdf computed at vals
# precompute ecdf for x: returns(sorted(x), ecdf())
if len(x) == 0:
return None
ex, ey = ecdf(x)
cdf = numpy.array(list(map(lambda val: less_equal_ecdf(x, val, cdf=(ex, ey)), vals)))
return vals, cdf
def ecdf(x):
Compute the ecdf of vector x. This does not contain zero, should be equal to 1 in the last value
to satisfy F(x) == P(X ≤ x).
x (numpy.array): vector of values
xs (numpy.array), ys (numpy.array)
xs = numpy.sort(x)
ys = numpy.arange(1, len(x) + 1) / float(len(x))
return xs, ys
def greater_equal_ecdf(x, val, cdf=()):
Given val return P(x ≥ val).
x (numpy.array): set of values
val (float): value
ecdf (tuple): ecdf of x, should be tuple (sorted(x), ecdf(x))
(float): probability that x ≤ val
x = numpy.asarray(x)
if x.shape[0] == 0:
return None
if not cdf:
ex, ey = ecdf(x)
ex, ey = cdf
eyc = ey[::-1]
# some short-circuit cases for discrete distributions; x is sorted, but reversed.
if val > ex[-1]:
return 0.0
if val < ex[0]:
return 1.0
return eyc[numpy.searchsorted(ex, val)]
def less_equal_ecdf(x, val, cdf=()):
Given val return P(x ≤ val).
x (numpy.array): set of values
val (float): value
(float): probability that x ≤ val
x = numpy.asarray(x)
if x.shape[0] == 0:
return None
if not cdf:
ex, ey = ecdf(x)
ex, ey = cdf
# some short-circuit cases for discrete distributions
if val > ex[-1]:
return 1.0
if val < ex[0]:
return 0.0
# uses numpy implementation of binary search
return ey[numpy.searchsorted(ex, val, side='right') - 1]
def min_or_none(x):
Given an array x, returns the min value. If x = [], returns None.
if len(x) == 0:
return None
return numpy.min(x)
def max_or_none(x):
Given an array x, returns the max value. If x = [], returns None.
if len(x) == 0:
return None
return numpy.max(x)
def get_quantiles(sim_counts, obs_count):
""" Computes delta1 and delta2 quantile scores from empirical distribution and observation """
# delta 1 prob of observation at least n_obs events given the forecast
delta_1 = greater_equal_ecdf(sim_counts, obs_count)
# delta 2 prob of observing at most n_obs events given the catalog
delta_2 = less_equal_ecdf(sim_counts, obs_count)
return delta_1, delta_2
def poisson_log_likelihood(observation, forecast):
""" Wrapper around scipy to compute the Poisson log-likelihood
observation: Observed (Grided) seismicity
forecast: Forecast of a Model (Grided)
Log-Liklihood values of between binned-observations and binned-forecasts
return numpy.log(scipy.stats.poisson.pmf(observation, forecast))
def poisson_joint_log_likelihood_ndarray(target_event_log_rates, target_observations, n_fore):
""" Efficient calculation of joint log-likelihood of grid-based forecast.
Note: log(w!) = 0
target_event_log_rates: natural log of bin rates where target events occurred
target_observations: counts of target events
n_fore: expected number from the forecasts
sum_log_target_event_rates = numpy.sum(target_event_log_rates)
# factorial(n) = loggamma(n+1)
discrete_penalty_term = numpy.sum(scipy.special.loggamma(target_observations+1))
return sum_log_target_event_rates - discrete_penalty_term - n_fore
def poisson_inverse_cdf(random_matrix, lam):
""" Wrapper around scipy inverse poisson cdf function
random_matrix: Matrix of dimenions equal to forecast, containing random
numbers between 0 and 1.
lam: vector of parameters for poisson distribution
sample from the poisson distribution
return scipy.stats.poisson.ppf(random_matrix, lam)
def get_Kagan_I1_score(forecasts, catalog):
A program for scoring (I_1) earthquake-forecast grids by the methods of:
Kagan, Yan Y. [2009] Testing long-term earthquake forecasts: likelihood methods
and error diagrams, Geophys. J. Int., v. 177, pages 532-542.
Some advantages of these methods are that they:
- are insensitive to the grid used to cover the Earth;
- are insensitive to changes in the overall seismicity rate;
- do not modify the locations or magnitudes of test earthquakes;
- do not require simulation of virtual catalogs;
- return relative quality measures, not just "pass" or "fail;" and
- indicate relative specificity of forecasts as well as relative success.
Written by Han Bao, UCLA, March 2021. Modified June 2021
Note that:
(1) The testing catalog and forecast should have exactly the same time-window (duration)
(2) Forecasts and catalogs have identical regions
forecasts: csep.forecast or a list of csep.forecast (one catalog to test against different forecasts)
catalog: csep.catalog
I_1 (numpy.array): containing I1 for each forecast in inputs
### Determine if input 'forecasts' is a list of csep.forecasts or a single csep.forecasts
n_forecast = len(forecasts) # the input forecasts is a list of csep.forecast
n_forecast = 1 # the input forecasts is a single csep.forecast
forecasts = [forecasts]
# Sanity checks can go here
for forecast in forecasts:
if forecast.region != catalog.region:
raise RuntimeError("Catalog and forecasts must have identical regions.")
# Initialize array
I_1 = numpy.zeros(n_forecast, dtype=numpy.float64)
# Compute cell areas
area_km2 = catalog.region.get_cell_area()
total_area = numpy.sum(area_km2)
for j, forecast in enumerate(forecasts):
# Eq per cell per duration in forecast; note, if called on a CatalogForecast this could require computed expeted rates
rate = forecast.spatial_counts()
# Get Rate Density and uniform_forecast of the Forecast
rate_den = rate / area_km2
uniform_forecast = numpy.sum(rate) / total_area
# Compute I_1 score
n_event = catalog.event_count
counts = catalog.spatial_counts()
non_zero_idx = numpy.argwhere(rate_den > 0)
non_zero_idx = non_zero_idx[:,0]
I_1[j] =[non_zero_idx], numpy.log2(rate_den[non_zero_idx] / uniform_forecast)) / n_event
return I_1