Plot customizations

This example shows how to include some advanced options in the spatial visualization of Gridded Forecasts and Evaluation Results

  1. Define optional plotting arguments

  2. Set extent of maps

  3. Visualizing selected magnitude bins

  4. Plot global maps

  5. Plot multiple Evaluation Results

Example 1: Spatial dataset plot arguments

Load required libraries

import csep
import cartopy
import numpy
from csep.utils import datasets, plots

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Load a Grid Forecast from the datasets

Selecting plotting arguments

Create a dictionary containing the plot arguments

args_dict = {'title': 'Italy 10 year forecast',
             'grid_labels': True,
             'borders': True,
             'feature_lw': 0.5,
             'basemap': 'ESRI_imagery',
             'cmap': 'rainbow',
             'alpha_exp': 0.8,

These arguments are, in order:

  • Assign a title

  • Set labels to the geographic axes

  • Draw country borders

  • Set a linewidth of 0.5 to country borders

  • Select ESRI Imagery as a basemap.

  • Assign 'rainbow' as colormap. Possible values from from library

  • Defines 0.8 for an exponential transparency function (default is 0 for constant alpha, whereas 1 for linear).

  • An object is passed as Projection to the map

The complete description of plot arguments can be found in csep.utils.plots.plot_spatial_dataset()

Plotting the dataset

The map extent can be defined. Otherwise, the extent of the data would be used. The dictionary defined must be passed as argument

ax = forecast.plot(extent=[3, 22, 35, 48],
Italy 10 year forecast

Example 2: Plot a global forecast and a selected magnitude bin range

Load a Global Forecast from the datasets

A downsampled version of the GEAR1 forecast can be found in datasets.

Filter by magnitudes

We get the rate of events of 5.95<=M_w<=7.5

We get the total rate between these magnitudes

rate_sum = rates_mw.sum(axis=1)

The data is stored in a 1D array, so it should be projected into region 2D cartesian grid.

Define plot arguments

We define the arguments and a global projection, centered at $lon=-180$

plot_args = {'figsize': (10,6), 'coastline':True, 'feature_color':'black',
             'title':, 'grid_labels': False,
             'cmap': 'magma',
             'clabel': r'$\log_{10}\lambda\left(M_w \in [{%.2f},\,{%.2f}]\right)$ per '
                       r'${%.1f}^\circ\times {%.1f}^\circ $ per forecast period' %
                       (low_bound, upper_bound, forecast.region.dh, forecast.region.dh)}

Plotting the dataset To plot a global forecast, we must assign the option set_global=True, which is required by :ref:cartopy to handle internally the extent of the plot

GEAR1 Forecast (downsampled)

Example 3: Plot a catalog

Load a Catalog from ComCat

start_time = csep.utils.time_utils.strptime_to_utc_datetime('1995-01-01 00:00:00.0')
end_time = csep.utils.time_utils.strptime_to_utc_datetime('2015-01-01 00:00:00.0')
min_mag = 3.95
catalog = csep.query_comcat(start_time, end_time, min_magnitude=min_mag, verbose=False)

# **Define plotting arguments**
plot_args = {'basemap': 'ESRI_terrain',
             'markersize': 2,
             'markercolor': 'red',
             'alpha': 0.3,
             'mag_scale': 7,
             'legend': True,
             'legend_loc': 3,
             'mag_ticks': [4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0]}
Fetched ComCat catalog in 22.344353914260864 seconds.

These arguments are, in order:

  • Assign as basemap the ESRI_terrain webservice

  • Set minimum markersize of 2 with red color

  • Set a 0.3 transparency

  • mag_scale is used to exponentially scale the size with respect to magnitude. Recommended 1-8

  • Set legend True and location in 3 (lower-left corner)

  • Set a list of Magnitude ticks to display in the legend

The complete description of plot arguments can be found in csep.utils.plots.plot_catalog()

# **Plot the catalog**
ax = catalog.plot(show=False, plot_args=plot_args)
plot customizations

Example 4: Plot multiple evaluation results

Load L-test results from example .json files (See Grid-based Forecast Evaluation for information on calculating and storing evaluation results)

L_results = [csep.load_evaluation_result(i) for i in datasets.l_test_examples]
args = {'figsize': (6,5),
        'title': r'$\mathcal{L}-\mathrm{test}$',
        'title_fontsize': 18,
        'xlabel': 'Log-likelihood',
        'xticks_fontsize': 9,
        'ylabel_fontsize': 9,
        'linewidth': 0.8,
        'capsize': 3,
        'tight_layout': True}

Description of plot arguments can be found in plot_poisson_consistency_test(). We set one_sided_lower=True as usual for an L-test, where the model is rejected if the observed is located within the lower tail of the simulated distribution.

ax = plots.plot_poisson_consistency_test(L_results, one_sided_lower=True, plot_args=args)

# Needed to show plots if running as script

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 49.080 seconds)

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