Source code for csep.utils.time_utils

import calendar
import datetime
import re
import os
import warnings
from csep.utils.constants import SECONDS_PER_ASTRONOMICAL_YEAR, SECONDS_PER_DAY

[docs] def epoch_time_to_utc_datetime(epoch_time_milli): """ Accepts an epoch_time in milliseconds the UTC timezone and returns a python datetime object. See for information about how timezones are handled with this function. :param epoch_time: epoch_time in UTC timezone in milliseconds :type epoch_time: float """ if epoch_time_milli is None: return epoch_time_milli epoch_time = epoch_time_milli / 1000 if == "nt" and epoch_time < 0: if isinstance(epoch_time, int): sec = epoch_time milli_sec = 0 else: whole, frac = str(epoch_time).split(".") sec = int(whole) milli_sec = int(frac) * -1 dt = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta( seconds=sec, milliseconds=milli_sec ) else: dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch_time, datetime.timezone.utc) return dt
[docs] def datetime_to_utc_epoch(dt): """ Converts python datetime.datetime into epoch_time in milliseconds. Args: dt (datetime.datetime): python datetime object, should be naive. """ if dt is None: return dt if dt.tzinfo is None: dt=dt.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) if str(dt.tzinfo) != 'UTC': raise ValueError(f"Timezone info must be UTC. tzinfo={dt.tzinfo}") epoch = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0).replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) epoch_time_seconds = (dt - epoch).total_seconds() return int(1000.0 * epoch_time_seconds)
[docs] def millis_to_days(millis): """ Converts time in millis to days """ return millis / SECONDS_PER_DAY / 1000
[docs] def days_to_millis(days): """ Converts days to millis """ return days * SECONDS_PER_DAY * 1000
[docs] def strptime_to_utc_epoch(time_string, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"): """ Returns epoch time from formatted time string """ if format == "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f": format = parse_string_format(time_string) dt = strptime_to_utc_datetime(time_string, format) return datetime_to_utc_epoch(dt)
[docs] def timedelta_from_years(time_in_years): """ Returns python datetime.timedelta object based on the astronomical year in seconds. Args: time_in_years: positive fraction of years 0 <= time_in_years """ if time_in_years < 0: raise ValueError("time_in_years must be greater than zero.") seconds = SECONDS_PER_ASTRONOMICAL_YEAR * time_in_years time_delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds) return time_delta
[docs] def strptime_to_utc_datetime(time_string, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"): """ Converts time_string with format into time-zone aware datetime object in the UTC timezone. Note: If the time_string is not in UTC time, it will be converted into UTC timezone. Args: time_string (str): string representation of datetime format (str): format of time_string Returns: datetime.datetime: timezone aware (utc) object from time_string """ # if default format is provided, try and handle some annoying cases with fractional seconds and time-zone info if format == "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f": format = parse_string_format(time_string) dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(time_string, format).replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) return dt
[docs] def utc_now_datetime(): """ Returns current datetime """ return datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
[docs] def utc_now_epoch(): """ Returns current epoch time """ return datetime_to_utc_epoch(datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc))
[docs] def create_utc_datetime(datetime): """Creates TZAware UTC datetime object from unaware object.""" assert datetime.tzinfo is None return datetime.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
def parse_string_format(time_string): """ Fixes some difficulties with different time formats """ format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" if '.' in time_string: format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f" if time_string[-6] == '+': format = format + "%z" return format class Specifier(str): """Model %Y and such in `strftime`'s format string.""" def __new__(cls, *args): self = super(Specifier, cls).__new__(cls, *args) assert self.startswith('%') assert len(self) == 2 self._regex = re.compile(r'(%*{0})'.format(str(self))) return self def ispresent_in(self, format): m = return m and'%') & 1 # odd number of '%' def replace_in(self, format, by): def repl(m): n ='%') if n & 1: # odd number of '%' prefix = '%' * (n - 1) if n > 0 else '' return prefix + str(by) # replace format else: return # leave unchanged return self._regex.sub(repl, format) class HistoricTime(datetime.datetime): def strftime(self, format): year = self.year if year >= 1900: return super(HistoricTime, self).strftime(format) assert year < 1900 factor = (1900 - year - 1) // 400 + 1 future_year = year + factor * 400 assert future_year > 1900 format = Specifier('%Y').replace_in(format, year) result = self.replace(year=future_year).strftime(format) if any(f.ispresent_in(format) for f in map(Specifier, ['%c', '%x'])): msg = "'%c', '%x' produce unreliable results for year < 1900" warnings.warn(msg) result = result.replace(str(future_year), str(year)) assert (future_year % 100) == (year % 100) # last two digits are the same return result
[docs] def decimal_year(test_date): """ Convert given test date to the decimal year representation. Repurposed from CSEP1 Author: Masha Liukis Args: test_date (datetime.datetime) """ if test_date is None: return None # This implementation is based on the Matlab version of the 'decyear' # function that was inherited from RELM project hours_per_day = 24.0 mins_per_day = hours_per_day * 60.0 secs_per_day = mins_per_day * 60.0 # Get number of days in the year of specified test date num_days_per_year = 365.0 if calendar.isleap(test_date.year): num_days_per_year = 366.0 # Compute number of days in months preceding the test date # (excluding the month of the test date) num_days = sum([calendar.monthrange(test_date.year, i)[1] for i in range(1, test_date.month)]) dec_year = test_date.year + (num_days + ( - 1) + test_date.hour / hours_per_day + test_date.minute / mins_per_day + (test_date.second + test_date.microsecond * 1e-6) / secs_per_day) / num_days_per_year return dec_year
def decimal_year_to_utc_datetime(decimal_date): """ Takes a year specified as a decimal year and returns a datetime object. Args: decimal_year: decimal year in format YEAR.YEAR_FRACTION. This should be account for leap-years """ # def days_in_month(year, month): # return calendar.monthrange(int(year), int(month))[1] # # def split_fractional_time(value, time_part): # whole = (value * time_part) // 1 # part = (value * time_part) % 1 # return whole, part # # # start with years (first we just want to split year and decimal part, hence the 1) # # if i were less lazy this could be a recursive function with a queue or stack # year, year_part = split_fractional_time(decimal_date, 1.0) # # move to months # months_per_year = 12 # month, month_part = split_fractional_time(year_part, months_per_year) # # compute days # days_per_month = days_in_month(year, month) # day, day_part = split_fractional_time(month_part, days_per_month) # # hours # hours_per_day = 24 # hour, hour_part = split_fractional_time(day_part, hours_per_day) # # minutes # minute_per_day = 60 # minute, minute_part = split_fractional_time(hour_part, minute_per_day) # # seconds # seconds_per_minute = 60 # second, second_part = split_fractional_time(minute_part, seconds_per_minute) # # finally build date time # return datetime.datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day), int(hour), int(minute), int(second), int(microsecond)) # Get number of days in the year of specified test date year = decimal_date // 1 year_frac = decimal_date % 1 num_days_per_year = 365.0 if calendar.isleap(year): num_days_per_year = 366.0 num_hours_per_day = 24 num_minutes_per_hour = 60 num_seconds_per_minute = 60 num_microseconds_per_second = 1e6 microseconds_per_year = num_days_per_year * \ num_hours_per_day * \ num_minutes_per_hour * \ num_seconds_per_minute * \ num_microseconds_per_second microseconds_into_year = microseconds_per_year * year_frac # create time delta from microseconds td = datetime.timedelta(microseconds=microseconds_into_year) # create datetime for start of year dt = datetime.datetime(int(year), 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) # combine to get datetime representation of date final_dt = (dt + td).replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) return final_dt def decimal_year_to_utc_epoch(decimal_date): """ Converts decimal year to epoch year format used by catalogs. Args: decimal_date (float): date with format YEAR.X where 'X' is the fraction of the year. The fraction considers leap years. Returns: epoch_time (int): time elapsed since jan 01, 1970 """ return datetime_to_utc_epoch(decimal_year_to_utc_datetime(decimal_date))