Source code for csep.utils.plots

import time

# Third-party imports
import numpy
import string

import scipy.stats
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.lines
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
import cartopy
import as ccrs
from cartopy.mpl.gridliner import LONGITUDE_FORMATTER, LATITUDE_FORMATTER
from import img_tiles
# PyCSEP imports
from csep.utils.constants import SECONDS_PER_DAY, CSEP_MW_BINS
from csep.utils.calc import bin1d_vec
from csep.utils.time_utils import datetime_to_utc_epoch

This module contains plotting routines that generate figures for the stochastic
event sets produced from CSEP2 experiments and Poisson based CSEP1 experiments.

Right now functions dont have consistent signatures, which will be addressed in
future releases. That means that some functions might have more functionality 
than others while the routines are being developed.

TODO: Add annotations for other two plots.
TODO: Add ability to plot annotations from multiple catalogs. 
        Esp, for plot_histogram()
IDEA: Same concept mentioned in evaluations might apply here. The plots could 
      be a common class that might provide more control to the end user.
IDEA: Since plotting functions are usable by these classes only that don't 
      implement iter routines, maybe make them a class method. like 

def plot_cumulative_events_versus_time_dev(xdata, ydata, obs_data,
                                           plot_args, show=False):

        xdata (ndarray): time bins for plotting shape (N,)
        ydata (ndarray or list like): ydata for plotting; shape (N,5) in order 2.5%Per, 25%Per, 50%Per, 75%Per, 97.5%Per
        obs_data (ndarry): same shape as xdata


    figsize = plot_args.get('figsize', None)
    sim_label = plot_args.get('sim_label', 'Simulated')
    obs_label = plot_args.get('obs_label', 'Observation')
    legend_loc = plot_args.get('legend_loc', 'best')
    title = plot_args.get('title', 'Cumulative Event Counts')
    xlabel = plot_args.get('xlabel', 'Days')

    fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(figsize=figsize)
        fifth_per = ydata[0, :]
        first_quar = ydata[1, :]
        med_counts = ydata[2, :]
        second_quar = ydata[3, :]
        nine_fifth = ydata[4, :]
        raise TypeError("ydata must be a [N,5] ndarray.")
    # plotting

    ax.plot(xdata, obs_data, color='black', label=obs_label)
    ax.plot(xdata, med_counts, color='red', label=sim_label)
    ax.fill_between(xdata, fifth_per, nine_fifth, color='red', alpha=0.2,
    ax.fill_between(xdata, first_quar, second_quar, color='red', alpha=0.5,
    ax.set_ylabel('Cumulative event count')
    # pyplot.subplots_adjust(right=0.75)
    # annotate the plot with information from data
    # ax.annotate(str(observation), xycoords='axes fraction', xy=xycoords, fontsize=10, annotation_clip=False)
    # save figure
    filename = plot_args.get('filename', None)
    if filename is not None:
        fig.savefig(filename + '.pdf')
        fig.savefig(filename + '.png', dpi=300)
    # optionally show figure
    if show:

    return ax

[docs] def plot_cumulative_events_versus_time(stochastic_event_sets, observation, show=False, plot_args=None): """ Same as below but performs the statistics on numpy arrays without using pandas data frames. Args: stochastic_event_sets: observation: show: plot_args: Returns: ax: matplotlib.Axes """ plot_args = plot_args or {} print('Plotting cumulative event counts.') figsize = plot_args.get('figsize', None) fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(figsize=figsize) # get global information from stochastic event set t0 = time.time() n_cat = len(stochastic_event_sets) extreme_times = [] for ses in stochastic_event_sets: start_epoch = datetime_to_utc_epoch(ses.start_time) end_epoch = datetime_to_utc_epoch(ses.end_time) if start_epoch == None or end_epoch == None: continue extreme_times.append((start_epoch, end_epoch)) # offsets to start at 0 time and converts from millis to hours time_bins, dt = numpy.linspace(numpy.min(extreme_times), numpy.max(extreme_times), 100, endpoint=True, retstep=True) n_bins = time_bins.shape[0] binned_counts = numpy.zeros((n_cat, n_bins)) for i, ses in enumerate(stochastic_event_sets): n_events =[0] ses_origin_time = ses.get_epoch_times() inds = bin1d_vec(ses_origin_time, time_bins) for j in range(n_events): binned_counts[i, inds[j]] += 1 if (i + 1) % 1500 == 0: t1 = time.time() print(f"Processed {i + 1} catalogs in {t1 - t0} seconds.") t1 = time.time() print(f'Collected binned counts in {t1 - t0} seconds.') summed_counts = numpy.cumsum(binned_counts, axis=1) # compute summary statistics for plotting fifth_per = numpy.percentile(summed_counts, 5, axis=0) first_quar = numpy.percentile(summed_counts, 25, axis=0) med_counts = numpy.percentile(summed_counts, 50, axis=0) second_quar = numpy.percentile(summed_counts, 75, axis=0) nine_fifth = numpy.percentile(summed_counts, 95, axis=0) # compute median for comcat data obs_binned_counts = numpy.zeros(n_bins) inds = bin1d_vec(observation.get_epoch_times(), time_bins) for j in range(observation.event_count): obs_binned_counts[inds[j]] += 1 obs_summed_counts = numpy.cumsum(obs_binned_counts) # update time_bins for plotting millis_to_hours = 60 * 60 * 1000 * 24 time_bins = (time_bins - time_bins[0]) / millis_to_hours time_bins = time_bins + (dt / millis_to_hours) # make all arrays start at zero time_bins = numpy.insert(time_bins, 0, 0) fifth_per = numpy.insert(fifth_per, 0, 0) first_quar = numpy.insert(first_quar, 0, 0) med_counts = numpy.insert(med_counts, 0, 0) second_quar = numpy.insert(second_quar, 0, 0) nine_fifth = numpy.insert(nine_fifth, 0, 0) obs_summed_counts = numpy.insert(obs_summed_counts, 0, 0) # get values from plotting args sim_label = plot_args.get('sim_label', 'Simulated') obs_label = plot_args.get('obs_label', 'Observation') xycoords = plot_args.get('xycoords', (1.00, 0.40)) legend_loc = plot_args.get('legend_loc', 'best') title = plot_args.get('title', 'Cumulative Event Counts') # plotting ax.plot(time_bins, obs_summed_counts, color='black', label=obs_label) ax.plot(time_bins, med_counts, color='red', label=sim_label) ax.fill_between(time_bins, fifth_per, nine_fifth, color='red', alpha=0.2, label='5%-95%') ax.fill_between(time_bins, first_quar, second_quar, color='red', alpha=0.5, label='25%-75%') ax.legend(loc=legend_loc) ax.set_xlabel('Days since Mainshock') ax.set_ylabel('Cumulative Event Count') ax.set_title(title) pyplot.subplots_adjust(right=0.75) # annotate the plot with information from data # ax.annotate(str(observation), xycoords='axes fraction', xy=xycoords, fontsize=10, annotation_clip=False) # save figure filename = plot_args.get('filename', None) if filename is not None: fig.savefig(filename + '.pdf') fig.savefig(filename + '.png', dpi=300) # optionally show figure if show: return ax
[docs] def plot_magnitude_versus_time(catalog, filename=None, show=False, reset_times=False, plot_args=None, **kwargs): """ Plots magnitude versus linear time for an earthquake data. Catalog class must implement get_magnitudes() and get_datetimes() in order for this function to work correctly. Args: catalog (:class:`~csep.core.catalogs.AbstractBaseCatalog`): data to visualize Returns: (tuple): fig and axes handle """ # get values from plotting args plot_args = plot_args or {} title = plot_args.get('title', '') marker_size = plot_args.get('marker_size', 10) color = plot_args.get('color', 'blue') c = plot_args.get('c', None) clabel = plot_args.get('clabel', None) print('Plotting magnitude versus time.') fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(8, 3)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # get time in days # plotting timestamps for now, until I can format dates on axis properly f = lambda x: numpy.array(x.timestamp()) / SECONDS_PER_DAY # map returns a generator function which we collapse with list days_elapsed = numpy.array(list(map(f, catalog.get_datetimes()))) if reset_times: days_elapsed = days_elapsed - days_elapsed[0] magnitudes = catalog.get_magnitudes() # make plot if c is not None: h = ax.scatter(days_elapsed, magnitudes, marker='.', s=marker_size, c=c, cmap=cm.get_cmap('jet'), **kwargs) cbar = fig.colorbar(h) cbar.set_label(clabel) else: ax.scatter(days_elapsed, magnitudes, marker='.', s=marker_size, color=color, **kwargs) # do some labeling of the figure ax.set_title(title, fontsize=16, color='black') ax.set_xlabel('Days Elapsed') ax.set_ylabel('Magnitude') fig.tight_layout() # # annotate the plot with information from data # if data is not None: # try: # ax.annotate(str(data), xycoords='axes fraction', xy=xycoords, fontsize=10, annotation_clip=False) # except: # pass # handle displaying of figures if filename is not None: fig.savefig(filename + '.pdf') fig.savefig(filename + '.png', dpi=300) if show: return ax
[docs] def plot_histogram(simulated, observation, bins='fd', percentile=None, show=False, axes=None, catalog=None, plot_args=None): """ Plots histogram of single statistic for stochastic event sets and observations. The function will behave differently depending on the inumpyuts. Simulated should always be either a list or numpy.array where there would be one value per data in the stochastic event set. Observation could either be a scalar or a numpy.array/list. If observation is a scale a vertical line would be plotted, if observation is iterable a second histogram would be plotted. This allows for comparisons to be made against catalogs where there are multiple values e.g., magnitude, and single values e.g., event count. If an axis handle is included, additional function calls will only addition extra simulations, observations will not be plotted. Since this function returns an axes handle, any extra modifications to the figure can be made using that. Args: simulated (numpy.arrays): numpy.array like representation of statistics computed from catalogs. observation(numpy.array or scalar): observation to plot against stochastic event set filename (str): filename to save figure show (bool): show interactive version of the figure ax (axis object): axis object with interface defined by matplotlib catalog (csep.AbstractBaseCatalog): used for annotating the figures plot_args (dict): additional plotting commands. TODO: Documentation Returns: axis: matplolib axes handle """ # Plotting plot_args = plot_args or {} chained = False figsize = plot_args.get('figsize', None) if axes is not None: chained = True ax = axes else: if catalog: fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(figsize=figsize) else: fig, ax = pyplot.subplots() # parse plotting arguments sim_label = plot_args.get('sim_label', 'Simulated') obs_label = plot_args.get('obs_label', 'Observation') xlabel = plot_args.get('xlabel', 'X') ylabel = plot_args.get('ylabel', 'Frequency') xycoords = plot_args.get('xycoords', (1.00, 0.40)) title = plot_args.get('title', None) legend_loc = plot_args.get('legend_loc', 'best') legend = plot_args.get('legend', True) bins = plot_args.get('bins', bins) color = plot_args.get('color', '') filename = plot_args.get('filename', None) xlim = plot_args.get('xlim', None) # this could throw an error exposing bad implementation observation = numpy.array(observation) try: n = len(observation) except TypeError: ax.axvline(x=observation, color='black', linestyle='--', label=obs_label) else: # remove any nan values observation = observation[~numpy.isnan(observation)] ax.hist(observation, bins=bins, label=obs_label, edgecolor=None, linewidth=0) # remove any potential nans from arrays simulated = numpy.array(simulated) simulated = simulated[~numpy.isnan(simulated)] if color: n, bin_edges, patches = ax.hist(simulated, bins=bins, label=sim_label, color=color, edgecolor=None, linewidth=0) else: n, bin_edges, patches = ax.hist(simulated, bins=bins, label=sim_label, edgecolor=None, linewidth=0) # color bars for rejection area if percentile is not None: inc = (100 - percentile) / 2 inc_high = 100 - inc inc_low = inc p_high = numpy.percentile(simulated, inc_high) idx_high = numpy.digitize(p_high, bin_edges) p_low = numpy.percentile(simulated, inc_low) idx_low = numpy.digitize(p_low, bin_edges) # show 99.5% of data if xlim is None: upper_xlim = numpy.percentile(simulated, 99.75) upper_xlim = numpy.max([upper_xlim, numpy.max(observation)]) d_bin = bin_edges[1] - bin_edges[0] upper_xlim = upper_xlim + 2 * d_bin lower_xlim = numpy.percentile(simulated, 0.25) lower_xlim = numpy.min([lower_xlim, numpy.min(observation)]) lower_xlim = lower_xlim - 2 * d_bin try: ax.set_xlim([lower_xlim, upper_xlim]) except ValueError: print('Ignoring observation in axis scaling because inf or -inf') upper_xlim = numpy.percentile(simulated, 99.75) upper_xlim = upper_xlim + 2 * d_bin lower_xlim = numpy.percentile(simulated, 0.25) lower_xlim = lower_xlim - 2 * d_bin ax.set_xlim([lower_xlim, upper_xlim]) else: ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if legend: ax.legend(loc=legend_loc) # hacky workaround for coloring legend, by calling after legend is drawn. if percentile is not None: for idx in range(idx_low): patches[idx].set_fc('red') for idx in range(idx_high, len(patches)): patches[idx].set_fc('red') if filename is not None: ax.figure.savefig(filename + '.pdf') ax.figure.savefig(filename + '.png', dpi=300) if show: return ax
[docs] def plot_ecdf(x, ecdf, axes=None, xv=None, show=False, plot_args=None): """ Plots empirical cumulative distribution function. """ plot_args = plot_args or {} # get values from plotting args sim_label = plot_args.get('sim_label', 'Simulated') obs_label = plot_args.get('obs_label', 'Observation') xlabel = plot_args.get('xlabel', 'X') ylabel = plot_args.get('ylabel', '$P(X \leq x)$') xycoords = plot_args.get('xycoords', (1.00, 0.40)) legend_loc = plot_args.get('legend_loc', 'best') filename = plot_args.get('filename', None) # make figure if axes == None: fig, ax = pyplot.subplots() else: ax = axes fig = axes.figure ax.plot(x, ecdf, label=sim_label) if xv: ax.axvline(x=xv, color='black', linestyle='--', label=obs_label) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.legend(loc=legend_loc) # if data is not None: # ax.annotate(str(data), xycoords='axes fraction', xy=xycoords, fontsize=10, annotation_clip=False) if filename is not None: fig.savefig(filename + '.pdf') fig.savefig(filename + '.png', dpi=300) if show: return ax
def plot_magnitude_histogram_dev(ses_data, obs, plot_args, show=False): bin_edges, obs_hist = obs.magnitude_counts(retbins=True) n_obs = numpy.sum(obs_hist) event_counts = numpy.sum(ses_data, axis=1) # normalize all histograms by counts in each scale = n_obs / event_counts # use broadcasting ses_data = ses_data * scale.reshape(-1, 1) figsize = plot_args.get('figsize', None) fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.gca() u3etas_median = numpy.median(ses_data, axis=0) u3etas_low = numpy.percentile(ses_data, 2.5, axis=0) u3etas_high = numpy.percentile(ses_data, 97.5, axis=0) u3etas_min = numpy.min(ses_data, axis=0) u3etas_max = numpy.max(ses_data, axis=0) u3etas_emax = u3etas_max - u3etas_median u3etas_emin = u3etas_median - u3etas_min dmw = bin_edges[1] - bin_edges[0] bin_edges_plot = bin_edges + dmw / 2 # u3etas_emax = u3etas_max # plot 95% range as rectangles rectangles = [] for i in range(len(bin_edges)): width = dmw / 2 height = u3etas_high[i] - u3etas_low[i] xi = bin_edges[i] + width / 2 yi = u3etas_low[i] rect = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((xi, yi), width, height) rectangles.append(rect) pc = matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection(rectangles, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.3, edgecolor='blue') ax.add_collection(pc) # plot whiskers sim_label = plot_args.get('sim_label', 'Simulated Catalogs') obs_label = plot_args.get('obs_label', 'Observed Catalog') xlim = plot_args.get('xlim', None) title = plot_args.get('title', "UCERF3-ETAS Histogram") filename = plot_args.get('filename', None) ax.errorbar(bin_edges_plot, u3etas_median, yerr=[u3etas_emin, u3etas_emax], xerr=0.8 * dmw / 2, fmt=' ', label=sim_label, color='blue', alpha=0.7) ax.plot(bin_edges_plot, obs_hist, '.k', markersize=10, label=obs_label) ax.legend(loc='upper right') ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_xlabel('Magnitude') ax.set_ylabel('Event count per magnitude bin') ax.set_title(title) # ax.annotate(str(comcat), xycoords='axes fraction', xy=xycoords, fontsize=10, annotation_clip=False) # pyplot.subplots_adjust(right=0.75) if filename is not None: fig.savefig(filename + '.pdf') fig.savefig(filename + '.png', dpi=300) if show: return ax
[docs] def plot_magnitude_histogram(catalogs, comcat, show=True, plot_args=None): """ Generates a magnitude histogram from a catalog-based forecast """ # get list of magnitudes list of ndarray plot_args = plot_args or {} catalogs_mws = list(map(lambda x: x.get_magnitudes(), catalogs)) obs_mw = comcat.get_magnitudes() n_obs = comcat.get_number_of_events() # get histogram at arbitrary values mws = CSEP_MW_BINS dmw = mws[1] - mws[0] def get_hist(x, mws, normed=True): n_temp = len(x) if normed and n_temp != 0: temp_scale = n_obs / n_temp hist = numpy.histogram(x, bins=mws)[0] * temp_scale else: hist = numpy.histogram(x, bins=mws)[0] return hist # get hist values u3etas_hist = numpy.array( list(map(lambda x: get_hist(x, mws), catalogs_mws))) obs_hist, bin_edges = numpy.histogram(obs_mw, bins=mws) bin_edges_plot = (bin_edges[1:] + bin_edges[:-1]) / 2 figsize = plot_args.get('figsize', None) fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.gca() u3etas_median = numpy.median(u3etas_hist, axis=0) u3etas_low = numpy.percentile(u3etas_hist, 2.5, axis=0) u3etas_high = numpy.percentile(u3etas_hist, 97.5, axis=0) u3etas_min = numpy.min(u3etas_hist, axis=0) u3etas_max = numpy.max(u3etas_hist, axis=0) u3etas_emax = u3etas_max - u3etas_median u3etas_emin = u3etas_median - u3etas_min # u3etas_emax = u3etas_max # plot 95% range as rectangles rectangles = [] for i in range(len(mws) - 1): width = dmw / 2 height = u3etas_high[i] - u3etas_low[i] xi = mws[i] + width / 2 yi = u3etas_low[i] rect = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((xi, yi), width, height) rectangles.append(rect) pc = matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection(rectangles, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.3, edgecolor='blue') ax.add_collection(pc) # plot whiskers sim_label = plot_args.get('sim_label', 'Simulated Catalogs') xlim = plot_args.get('xlim', None) title = plot_args.get('title', "UCERF3-ETAS Histogram") xycoords = plot_args.get('xycoords', (1.00, 0.40)) filename = plot_args.get('filename', None) pyplot.errorbar(bin_edges_plot, u3etas_median, yerr=[u3etas_emin, u3etas_emax], xerr=0.8 * dmw / 2, fmt=' ', label=sim_label, color='blue', alpha=0.7) pyplot.plot(bin_edges_plot, obs_hist, '.k', markersize=10, label='Comcat') pyplot.legend(loc='upper right') pyplot.xlim(xlim) pyplot.xlabel('Mw') pyplot.ylabel('Count') pyplot.title(title) # ax.annotate(str(comcat), xycoords='axes fraction', xy=xycoords, fontsize=10, annotation_clip=False) pyplot.subplots_adjust(right=0.75) if filename is not None: fig.savefig(filename + '.pdf') fig.savefig(filename + '.png', dpi=300) if show:
[docs] def plot_basemap(basemap, extent, ax=None, figsize=None, coastline=True, borders=False, tile_scaling='auto', set_global=False, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree(), apprx=False, central_latitude=0.0, linecolor='black', linewidth=True, grid=False, grid_labels=False, grid_fontsize=None, show=False): """ Wrapper function for multiple cartopy base plots, including access to standard raster webservices Args: basemap (str): Possible values are: stock_img, stamen_terrain, stamen_terrain-background, google-satellite, ESRI_terrain, ESRI_imagery, ESRI_relief, ESRI_topo, ESRI_terrain, or webservice link (see examples in :func:`csep.utils.plots._get_basemap`. Default is None extent (list): [lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max] ax (:class:``): Previously defined ax object figsize (tuple): If no ax is provided, a tuple of floats can be provided to define figure size coastline (str): Flag to plot coastline. default True, borders (bool): Flag to plot country borders. default False, tile_scaling (str/int): Zoom level (1-12) of the basemap tiles. If 'auto', is automatically derived from extent set_global (bool): Display the complete globe as basemap projection (:class:``): Projection to be used in the basemap apprx (bool): If true, approximates transformation by setting aspect ratio of axes based on middle latitude central_latitude (float): average latitude from plotting region linecolor (str): Color of borders and coast lines. default 'black', linewidth (float): Line width of borders and coast lines. default 1.5, grid (bool): Draws a grid in the basemap grid_labels (bool): Annotate grid values grid_fontsize (float): Font size of the grid x and y labels show (bool): Flag if the figure is displayed Returns: :class:`` object """ if ax is None: if apprx: projection = ccrs.PlateCarree() fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=projection) # Set plot aspect according to local longitude-latitude ratio in metric units # (only compatible with plain PlateCarree "projection") LATKM = 110.574 # length of a ° of latitude [km]; constant --> ignores Earth's flattening ax.set_aspect( LATKM / (111.320 * numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(central_latitude)))) else: fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=projection) if set_global: ax.set_global() else: ax.set_extent(extents=extent, crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) try: # Set adaptive scaling line_autoscaler = cartopy.feature.AdaptiveScaler('110m', ( ('50m', 50), ('10m', 5))) tile_autoscaler = cartopy.feature.AdaptiveScaler(5, ((6, 50), (7, 15))) tiles = None # Set tile depth if tile_scaling == 'auto': tile_depth = 4 if set_global else tile_autoscaler.scale_from_extent( extent) else: tile_depth = tile_scaling if coastline: ax.coastlines(color=linecolor, linewidth=linewidth) if borders: borders = cartopy.feature.NaturalEarthFeature('cultural', 'admin_0_boundary_lines_land', line_autoscaler, edgecolor=linecolor, facecolor='never') ax.add_feature(borders, linewidth=linewidth) if basemap == 'stock_img': ax.stock_img() elif basemap is not None: tiles = _get_basemap(basemap) if tiles: ax.add_image(tiles, tile_depth) except: print( "Unable to plot basemap. This might be due to no internet access, try pre-downloading the files.") # Gridline options if grid: gl = ax.gridlines(draw_labels=grid_labels, alpha=0.5) gl.right_labels = False gl.top_labels = False gl.xlabel_style['fontsize'] = grid_fontsize gl.ylabel_style['fontsize'] = grid_fontsize gl.xformatter = LONGITUDE_FORMATTER gl.yformatter = LATITUDE_FORMATTER if show: return ax
[docs] def plot_catalog(catalog, ax=None, show=False, extent=None, set_global=False, plot_args=None): """ Plot catalog in a region Args: catalog (:class:`CSEPCatalog`): Catalog object to be plotted ax (:class:``): Previously defined ax object (e.g from plot_spatial_dataset) show (bool): Flag if the figure is displayed extent (list): default 1.05-:func:`catalog.region.get_bbox()` set_global (bool): Display the complete globe as basemap plot_args (dict): matplotlib and cartopy plot arguments. The dictionary keys are str, whose items can be: - :figsize: :class:`tuple`/:class:`list` - default [6.4, 4.8] - :title: :class:`str` - default :class:`` - :title_size: :class:`int` - default 10 - :filename: :class:`str` - File to save figure. default None - :projection: :class:`` - default :class:``. Note: this can be 'fast' to apply an approximate transformation of axes. - :basemap: :class:`str`/:class:`None`. Possible values are: stock_img, stamen_terrain, stamen_terrain-background, google-satellite, ESRI_terrain, ESRI_imagery, ESRI_relief, ESRI_topo, ESRI_terrain, or webservice link. Default is None - :coastline: :class:`bool` - Flag to plot coastline. default True, - :grid: :class:`bool` - default True - :grid_labels: :class:`bool` - default True - :grid_fontsize: :class:`float` - default 10.0 - :marker: :class:`str` - Marker type - :markersize: :class:`float` - Constant size for all earthquakes - :markercolor: :class:`str` - Color for all earthquakes - :borders: :class:`bool` - Flag to plot country borders. default False, - :region_border: :class:`bool` - Flag to plot the catalog region border. default True, - :alpha: :class:`float` - Transparency for the earthquakes scatter - :mag_scale: :class:`float` - Scaling of the scatter - :legend: :class:`bool` - Flag to display the legend box - :legend_loc: :class:`int`/:class:`str` - Position of the legend - :mag_ticks: :class:`list` - Ticks to display in the legend - :labelspacing: :class:`int` - Separation between legend ticks - :tile_scaling: :class:`str`/:class:`int`. Zoom level (1-12) of the basemap tiles. If 'auto', is automatically derived from extent - :linewidth: :class:`float` - Line width of borders and coast lines. default 1.5, - :linecolor: :class:`str` - Color of borders and coast lines. default 'black', Returns: :class:`` object """ # Get spatial information for plotting # Retrieve plot arguments plot_args = plot_args or {} # figure and axes properties figsize = plot_args.get('figsize', None) title = plot_args.get('title', title_size = plot_args.get('title_size', None) filename = plot_args.get('filename', None) # scatter properties markersize = plot_args.get('markersize', 2) markercolor = plot_args.get('markercolor', 'blue') markeredgecolor = plot_args.get('markeredgecolor', 'black') alpha = plot_args.get('alpha', 1) mag_scale = plot_args.get('mag_scale', 1) legend = plot_args.get('legend', False) legend_title = plot_args.get('legend_title', r"Magnitudes") legend_loc = plot_args.get('legend_loc', 1) legend_framealpha = plot_args.get('legend_framealpha', None) legend_fontsize = plot_args.get('legend_fontsize', None) legend_titlesize = plot_args.get('legend_titlesize', None) mag_ticks = plot_args.get('mag_ticks', False) labelspacing = plot_args.get('labelspacing', 1) region_border = plot_args.get('region_border', True) legend_borderpad = plot_args.get('legend_borderpad', 0.4) # cartopy properties projection = plot_args.get('projection', ccrs.PlateCarree(central_longitude=0.0)) basemap = plot_args.get('basemap', None) coastline = plot_args.get('coastline', True) grid = plot_args.get('grid', True) grid_labels = plot_args.get('grid_labels', False) grid_fontsize = plot_args.get('grid_fontsize', False) borders = plot_args.get('borders', False) tile_scaling = plot_args.get('tile_scaling', 'auto') linewidth = plot_args.get('linewidth', True) linecolor = plot_args.get('linecolor', 'black') bbox = catalog.get_bbox() if region_border: try: bbox = catalog.region.get_bbox() except AttributeError: pass if extent is None and not set_global: dh = (bbox[1] - bbox[0]) / 20. dv = (bbox[3] - bbox[2]) / 20. extent = [bbox[0] - dh, bbox[1] + dh, bbox[2] - dv, bbox[3] + dv] apprx = False central_latitude = 0.0 if projection == 'fast': projection = ccrs.PlateCarree() apprx = True n_lats = len(catalog.region.ys) // 2 central_latitude = catalog.region.ys[n_lats] # Instantiage GeoAxes object if ax is None: fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=projection) if set_global: ax.set_global() region_border = False else: ax.set_extent(extents=extent, crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # Defined extent always in lat/lon # Basemap plotting ax = plot_basemap(basemap, extent, ax=ax, coastline=coastline, borders=borders, tile_scaling=tile_scaling, linecolor=linecolor, linewidth=linewidth, projection=projection, apprx=apprx, central_latitude=central_latitude, set_global=set_global) # Scaling function mw_range = [min(catalog.get_magnitudes()), max(catalog.get_magnitudes())] def size_map(markersize, values, scale): if isinstance(mag_scale, (int, float)): return (markersize / (scale ** mw_range[0]) * numpy.power(values, scale)) elif isinstance(scale, (numpy.ndarray, list)): return scale else: raise ValueError('scale data type not supported') ## Plot catalog scatter = ax.scatter(catalog.get_longitudes(), catalog.get_latitudes(), s=size_map(markersize, catalog.get_magnitudes(), mag_scale),, color=markercolor, edgecolors=markeredgecolor, alpha=alpha) # Legend if legend: if isinstance(mag_ticks, (tuple, list, numpy.ndarray)): if not numpy.all([i >= mw_range[0] and i <= mw_range[1] for i in mag_ticks]): print( "Magnitude ticks do not lie within the catalog magnitude range") elif mag_ticks is False: mag_ticks = numpy.linspace(mw_range[0], mw_range[1], 4) handles, labels = scatter.legend_elements(prop="sizes", num=list(size_map(markersize, mag_ticks, mag_scale)), alpha=0.3) ax.legend(handles, numpy.round(mag_ticks, 1), loc=legend_loc, title=legend_title, fontsize=legend_fontsize, title_fontsize=legend_titlesize, labelspacing=labelspacing, handletextpad=5, borderpad=legend_borderpad, framealpha=legend_framealpha) if region_border: try: pts = catalog.region.tight_bbox() ax.plot(pts[:, 0], pts[:, 1], lw=1, color='black') except AttributeError: pass # print("unable to get tight bbox") # Gridline options if grid: gl = ax.gridlines(draw_labels=grid_labels, alpha=0.5) gl.right_labels = False gl.top_labels = False gl.xlabel_style['fontsize'] = grid_fontsize gl.ylabel_style['fontsize'] = grid_fontsize gl.xformatter = LONGITUDE_FORMATTER gl.yformatter = LATITUDE_FORMATTER # Figure options ax.set_title(title, fontsize=title_size, y=1.06) if filename is not None: ax.get_figure().savefig(filename + '.pdf') ax.get_figure().savefig(filename + '.png', dpi=300) if show: return ax
[docs] def plot_spatial_dataset(gridded, region, ax=None, show=False, extent=None, set_global=False, plot_args=None): """ Plot spatial dataset such as data from a gridded forecast Args: gridded (2D :class:`numpy.array`): Values according to `region`, region (:class:`CartesianGrid2D`): Region in which gridded values are contained show (bool): Flag if the figure is displayed extent (list): default :func:`forecast.region.get_bbox()` set_global (bool): Display the complete globe as basemap plot_args (dict): matplotlib and cartopy plot arguments. Dict keys are str, whose values can be: - :figsize: :class:`tuple`/:class:`list` - default [6.4, 4.8] - :title: :class:`str` - default None - :title_size: :class:`int` - default 10 - :filename: :class:`str` - default None - :projection: :class:`` - default :class:`` - :grid: :class:`bool` - default True - :grid_labels: :class:`bool` - default True - :grid_fontsize: :class:`float` - default 10.0 - :basemap: :class:`str`. Possible values are: stock_img, stamen_terrain, stamen_terrain-background, google-satellite, ESRI_terrain, ESRI_imagery, ESRI_relief, ESRI_topo, ESRI_terrain, or webservice link. Default is None - :coastline: :class:`bool` - Flag to plot coastline. default True, - :borders: :class:`bool` - Flag to plot country borders. default False, - :region_border: :class:`bool` - Flag to plot the dataset region border. default True, - :tile_scaling: :class:`str`/:class:`int`. Zoom level (1-12) of the basemap tiles. If 'auto', is automatically derived from extent - :linewidth: :class:`float` - Line width of borders and coast lines. default 1.5, - :linecolor: :class:`str` - Color of borders and coast lines. default 'black', - :cmap: :class:`str`/:class:`pyplot.colors.Colormap` - default 'viridis' - :clim: :class:`list` - Range of the colorbar. default None - :clabel: :class:`str` - Label of the colorbar. default None - :clabel_fontsize: :class:`float` - default None - :cticks_fontsize: :class:`float` - default None - :alpha: :class:`float` - default 1 - :alpha_exp: :class:`float` - Exponent for the alpha func (recommended between 0.4 and 1). default 0 Returns: :class:`` object """ # Get spatial information for plotting bbox = region.get_bbox() if extent is None and not set_global: extent = [bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3]] # Retrieve plot arguments plot_args = plot_args or {} # figure and axes properties figsize = plot_args.get('figsize', None) title = plot_args.get('title', None) title_size = plot_args.get('title_size', None) filename = plot_args.get('filename', None) # cartopy properties projection = plot_args.get('projection', ccrs.PlateCarree(central_longitude=0.0)) grid = plot_args.get('grid', True) grid_labels = plot_args.get('grid_labels', False) grid_fontsize = plot_args.get('grid_fontsize', False) basemap = plot_args.get('basemap', None) coastline = plot_args.get('coastline', True) borders = plot_args.get('borders', False) tile_scaling = plot_args.get('tile_scaling', 'auto') linewidth = plot_args.get('linewidth', True) linecolor = plot_args.get('linecolor', 'black') region_border = plot_args.get('region_border', True) # color bar properties include_cbar = plot_args.get('include_cbar', True) cmap = plot_args.get('cmap', None) clim = plot_args.get('clim', None) clabel = plot_args.get('clabel', None) clabel_fontsize = plot_args.get('clabel_fontsize', None) cticks_fontsize = plot_args.get('cticks_fontsize', None) alpha = plot_args.get('alpha', 1) alpha_exp = plot_args.get('alpha_exp', 0) apprx = False central_latitude = 0.0 if projection == 'fast': projection = ccrs.PlateCarree() apprx = True n_lats = len(region.ys) // 2 central_latitude = region.ys[n_lats] # Instantiate GeoAxes object if ax is None: fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=projection) else: fig = ax.get_figure() if set_global: ax.set_global() region_border = False else: ax.set_extent(extents=extent, crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # Defined extent always in lat/lon # Basemap plotting ax = plot_basemap(basemap, extent, ax=ax, coastline=coastline, borders=borders, linecolor=linecolor, linewidth=linewidth, projection=projection, apprx=apprx, central_latitude=central_latitude, tile_scaling=tile_scaling, set_global=set_global) ## Define colormap and transparency function if isinstance(cmap, str) or not cmap: cmap = pyplot.get_cmap(cmap) cmap_tup = cmap(numpy.arange(cmap.N)) if isinstance(alpha_exp, (float, int)): if alpha_exp != 0: cmap_tup[:, -1] = numpy.linspace(0, 1, cmap.N) ** alpha_exp alpha = None cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(cmap_tup) ## Plot spatial dataset lons, lats = numpy.meshgrid(numpy.append(region.xs, bbox[1]), numpy.append(region.ys, bbox[3])) im = ax.pcolor(lons, lats, gridded, cmap=cmap, alpha=alpha, snap=True, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) im.set_clim(clim) # Colorbar options # create an axes on the right side of ax. The width of cax will be 5% # of ax and the padding between cax and ax will be fixed at 0.05 inch. if include_cbar: cax = fig.add_axes( [ax.get_position().x1 + 0.01, ax.get_position().y0, 0.025, ax.get_position().height], label='Colorbar') cbar = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax, cax=cax) cbar.set_label(clabel, fontsize=clabel_fontsize) # Gridline options if grid: gl = ax.gridlines(draw_labels=grid_labels, alpha=0.5) gl.right_labels = False gl.top_labels = False gl.xlabel_style['fontsize'] = grid_fontsize gl.ylabel_style['fontsize'] = grid_fontsize gl.xformatter = LONGITUDE_FORMATTER gl.yformatter = LATITUDE_FORMATTER if region_border: pts = region.tight_bbox() ax.plot(pts[:, 0], pts[:, 1], lw=1, color='black', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # matplotlib figure options ax.set_title(title, y=1.06, fontsize=title_size) if filename is not None: ax.get_figure().savefig(filename + '.pdf') ax.get_figure().savefig(filename + '.png', dpi=300) if show: return ax
[docs] def plot_number_test(evaluation_result, axes=None, show=True, plot_args=None): """ Takes result from evaluation and generates a specific histogram plot to show the results of the statistical evaluation for the n-test. Args: evaluation_result: object-like var that implements the interface of the above EvaluationResult axes (matplotlib.Axes): axes object used to chain this plot show (bool): if true, call plot_args(dict): optional argument containing a dictionary of plotting arguments, with keys as strings and items as described below Optional plotting arguments: * figsize: (:class:`list`/:class:`tuple`) - default: [6.4, 4.8] * title: (:class:`str`) - default: name of the first evaluation result type * title_fontsize: (:class:`float`) Fontsize of the plot title - default: 10 * xlabel: (:class:`str`) - default: 'X' * xlabel_fontsize: (:class:`float`) - default: 10 * xticks_fontsize: (:class:`float`) - default: 10 * ylabel_fontsize: (:class:`float`) - default: 10 * text_fontsize: (:class:`float`) - default: 14 * tight_layout: (:class:`bool`) Set matplotlib.figure.tight_layout to remove excess blank space in the plot - default: True * percentile (:class:`float`) Critial region to shade on histogram - default: 95 * bins: (:class:`str`) - Set binning type. see matplotlib.hist for more info - default: 'auto' * xy: (:class:`list`/:class:`tuple`) - default: (0.55, 0.3) Returns: ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes): can be used to modify the figure """ # chain plotting axes if requested if axes: chained = True else: chained = False # default plotting arguments plot_args = plot_args or {} title = plot_args.get('title', 'Number Test') title_fontsize = plot_args.get('title_fontsize', None) xlabel = plot_args.get('xlabel', 'Event count of catalogs') xlabel_fontsize = plot_args.get('xlabel_fontsize', None) ylabel = plot_args.get('ylabel', 'Number of catalogs') ylabel_fontsize = plot_args.get('ylabel_fontsize', None) text_fontsize = plot_args.get('text_fontsize', 14) tight_layout = plot_args.get('tight_layout', True) percentile = plot_args.get('percentile', 95) filename = plot_args.get('filename', None) bins = plot_args.get('bins', 'auto') xy = plot_args.get('xy', (0.5, 0.3)) # set default plotting arguments fixed_plot_args = {'obs_label': evaluation_result.obs_name, 'sim_label': evaluation_result.sim_name} plot_args.update(fixed_plot_args) ax = plot_histogram(evaluation_result.test_distribution, evaluation_result.observed_statistic, catalog=evaluation_result.obs_catalog_repr, plot_args=plot_args, bins=bins, axes=axes, percentile=percentile) # annotate plot with p-values if not chained: try: ax.annotate( '$\delta_1 = P(X \geq x) = {:.2f}$\n$\delta_2 = P(X \leq x) = {:.2f}$\n$\omega = {:d}$' .format(*evaluation_result.quantile, evaluation_result.observed_statistic), xycoords='axes fraction', xy=xy, fontsize=text_fontsize) except: ax.annotate('$\gamma = P(X \leq x) = {:.2f}$\n$\omega = {:.2f}$' .format(evaluation_result.quantile, evaluation_result.observed_statistic), xycoords='axes fraction', xy=xy, fontsize=text_fontsize) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=title_fontsize) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=xlabel_fontsize) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=ylabel_fontsize) if tight_layout: ax.figure.tight_layout() if filename is not None: ax.figure.savefig(filename + '.pdf') ax.figure.savefig(filename + '.png', dpi=300) # func has different return types, before release refactor and remove plotting from evaluation. # plotting should be separated from evaluation. # evaluation should return some object that can be plotted maybe with verbose option. if show: return ax
[docs] def plot_magnitude_test(evaluation_result, axes=None, show=True, plot_args=None): """ Takes result from evaluation and generates a specific histogram plot to show the results of the statistical evaluation for the M-test. Args: evaluation_result: object-like var that implements the interface of the above EvaluationResult axes (matplotlib.Axes): axes object used to chain this plot show (bool): if true, call plot_args(dict): optional argument containing a dictionary of plotting arguments, with keys as strings and items as described below Optional plotting arguments: * figsize: (:class:`list`/:class:`tuple`) - default: [6.4, 4.8] * title: (:class:`str`) - default: name of the first evaluation result type * title_fontsize: (:class:`float`) Fontsize of the plot title - default: 10 * xlabel: (:class:`str`) - default: 'X' * xlabel_fontsize: (:class:`float`) - default: 10 * xticks_fontsize: (:class:`float`) - default: 10 * ylabel_fontsize: (:class:`float`) - default: 10 * tight_layout: (:class:`bool`) Set matplotlib.figure.tight_layout to remove excess blank space in the plot - default: True * percentile (:class:`float`) Critial region to shade on histogram - default: 95 * bins: (:class:`str`) - Set binning type. see matplotlib.hist for more info - default: 'auto' * xy: (:class:`list`/:class:`tuple`) - default: (0.55, 0.6) Returns: ax (matplotlib.Axes): containing the new plot """ plot_args = plot_args or {} title = plot_args.get('title', 'Magnitude Test') title_fontsize = plot_args.get('title_fontsize', None) xlabel = plot_args.get('xlabel', 'D* Statistic') xlabel_fontsize = plot_args.get('xlabel_fontsize', None) ylabel = plot_args.get('ylabel', 'Number of catalogs') ylabel_fontsize = plot_args.get('ylabel_fontsize', None) tight_layout = plot_args.get('tight_layout', True) percentile = plot_args.get('percentile', 95) text_fontsize = plot_args.get('text_fontsize', 14) filename = plot_args.get('filename', None) bins = plot_args.get('bins', 'auto') xy = plot_args.get('xy', (0.55, 0.6)) # handle plotting if axes: chained = True else: chained = False # supply fixed arguments to plots # might want to add other defaults here fixed_plot_args = {'obs_label': evaluation_result.obs_name, 'sim_label': evaluation_result.sim_name} plot_args.update(fixed_plot_args) ax = plot_histogram(evaluation_result.test_distribution, evaluation_result.observed_statistic, catalog=evaluation_result.obs_catalog_repr, plot_args=plot_args, bins=bins, axes=axes, percentile=percentile) # annotate plot with quantile values if not chained: try: ax.annotate('$\gamma = P(X \geq x) = {:.2f}$\n$\omega = {:.2f}$' .format(evaluation_result.quantile, evaluation_result.observed_statistic), xycoords='axes fraction', xy=xy, fontsize=text_fontsize) except TypeError: # if both quantiles are provided, we want to plot the greater-equal quantile ax.annotate('$\gamma = P(X \geq x) = {:.2f}$\n$\omega = {:.2f}$' .format(evaluation_result.quantile[0], evaluation_result.observed_statistic), xycoords='axes fraction', xy=xy, fontsize=text_fontsize) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=title_fontsize) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=xlabel_fontsize) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=ylabel_fontsize) if tight_layout: var = ax.get_figure().tight_layout () if filename is not None: ax.figure.savefig(filename + '.pdf') ax.figure.savefig(filename + '.png', dpi=300) # func has different return types, before release refactor and remove plotting from evaluation. # plotting should be separated from evaluation. # evaluation should return some object that can be plotted maybe with verbose option. if show: return ax
[docs] def plot_distribution_test(evaluation_result, axes=None, show=True, plot_args=None): """ Takes result from evaluation and generates a specific histogram plot to show the results of the statistical evaluation for the M-test. Args: evaluation_result: object-like var that implements the interface of the above EvaluationResult Returns: ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes): can be used to modify the figure """ plot_args = plot_args or {} # handle plotting if axes: chained = True else: chained = False # supply fixed arguments to plots # might want to add other defaults here filename = plot_args.get('filename', None) xlabel = plot_args.get('xlabel', '') ylabel = plot_args.get('ylabel', '') fixed_plot_args = {'obs_label': evaluation_result.obs_name, 'sim_label': evaluation_result.sim_name} plot_args.update(fixed_plot_args) bins = plot_args.get('bins', 'auto') percentile = plot_args.get('percentile', 95) ax = plot_histogram(evaluation_result.test_distribution, evaluation_result.observed_statistic, catalog=evaluation_result.obs_catalog_repr, plot_args=plot_args, bins=bins, axes=axes, percentile=percentile) # annotate plot with p-values if not chained: ax.annotate('$\gamma = P(X \leq x) = {:.3f}$\n$\omega$ = {:.3f}' .format(evaluation_result.quantile, evaluation_result.observed_statistic), xycoords='axes fraction', xy=(0.5, 0.3), fontsize=14) title = plot_args.get('title', ax.set_title(title, fontsize=14) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if filename is not None: ax.figure.savefig(filename + '.pdf') ax.figure.savefig(filename + '.png', dpi=300) # func has different return types, before release refactor and remove plotting from evaluation. # plotting should be separated from evaluation. # evaluation should return some object that can be plotted maybe with verbose option. if show: return ax
[docs] def plot_likelihood_test(evaluation_result, axes=None, show=True, plot_args=None): """ Takes result from evaluation and generates a specific histogram plot to show the results of the statistical evaluation for the L-test. Args: evaluation_result: object-like var that implements the interface of the above EvaluationResult axes (matplotlib.Axes): axes object used to chain this plot show (bool): if true, call plot_args(dict): optional argument containing a dictionary of plotting arguments, with keys as strings and items as described below Optional plotting arguments: * figsize: (:class:`list`/:class:`tuple`) - default: [6.4, 4.8] * title: (:class:`str`) - default: name of the first evaluation result type * title_fontsize: (:class:`float`) Fontsize of the plot title - default: 10 * xlabel: (:class:`str`) - default: 'X' * xlabel_fontsize: (:class:`float`) - default: 10 * xticks_fontsize: (:class:`float`) - default: 10 * ylabel_fontsize: (:class:`float`) - default: 10 * text_fontsize: (:class:`float`) - default: 14 * tight_layout: (:class:`bool`) Set matplotlib.figure.tight_layout to remove excess blank space in the plot - default: True * percentile (:class:`float`) Critial region to shade on histogram - default: 95 * bins: (:class:`str`) - Set binning type. see matplotlib.hist for more info - default: 'auto' * xy: (:class:`list`/:class:`tuple`) - default: (0.55, 0.3) Returns: ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes): can be used to modify the figure """ plot_args = plot_args or {} title = plot_args.get('title', 'Pseudo-likelihood Test') title_fontsize = plot_args.get('title_fontsize', None) xlabel = plot_args.get('xlabel', 'Pseudo likelihood') xlabel_fontsize = plot_args.get('xlabel_fontsize', None) ylabel = plot_args.get('ylabel', 'Number of catalogs') ylabel_fontsize = plot_args.get('ylabel_fontsize', None) text_fontsize = plot_args.get('text_fontsize', 14) tight_layout = plot_args.get('tight_layout', True) percentile = plot_args.get('percentile', 95) filename = plot_args.get('filename', None) bins = plot_args.get('bins', 'auto') xy = plot_args.get('xy', (0.55, 0.3)) # handle plotting if axes: chained = True else: chained = False # supply fixed arguments to plots # might want to add other defaults here fixed_plot_args = {'obs_label': evaluation_result.obs_name, 'sim_label': evaluation_result.sim_name} plot_args.update(fixed_plot_args) ax = plot_histogram(evaluation_result.test_distribution, evaluation_result.observed_statistic, catalog=evaluation_result.obs_catalog_repr, plot_args=plot_args, bins=bins, axes=axes, percentile=percentile) # annotate plot with p-values if not chained: try: ax.annotate('$\gamma = P(X \leq x) = {:.2f}$\n$\omega = {:.2f}$' .format(evaluation_result.quantile, evaluation_result.observed_statistic), xycoords='axes fraction', xy=xy, fontsize=text_fontsize) except TypeError: # if both quantiles are provided, we want to plot the greater-equal quantile ax.annotate('$\gamma = P(X \leq x) = {:.2f}$\n$\omega = {:.2f}$' .format(evaluation_result.quantile[1], evaluation_result.observed_statistic), xycoords='axes fraction', xy=xy, fontsize=text_fontsize) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=title_fontsize) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=xlabel_fontsize) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=ylabel_fontsize) if tight_layout: ax.figure.tight_layout() if filename is not None: ax.figure.savefig(filename + '.pdf') ax.figure.savefig(filename + '.png', dpi=300) # func has different return types, before release refactor and remove plotting from evaluation. # plotting should be separated from evaluation. # evaluation should return some object that can be plotted maybe with verbose option. if show: return ax
[docs] def plot_spatial_test(evaluation_result, axes=None, plot_args=None, show=True): """ Plot spatial test result from catalog based forecast Args: evaluation_result: object-like var that implements the interface of the above EvaluationResult axes (matplotlib.Axes): axes object used to chain this plot show (bool): if true, call plot_args(dict): optional argument containing a dictionary of plotting arguments, with keys as strings and items as described below Optional plotting arguments: * figsize: (:class:`list`/:class:`tuple`) - default: [6.4, 4.8] * title: (:class:`str`) - default: name of the first evaluation result type * title_fontsize: (:class:`float`) Fontsize of the plot title - default: 10 * xlabel: (:class:`str`) - default: 'X' * xlabel_fontsize: (:class:`float`) - default: 10 * xticks_fontsize: (:class:`float`) - default: 10 * ylabel_fontsize: (:class:`float`) - default: 10 * text_fontsize: (:class:`float`) - default: 14 * tight_layout: (:class:`bool`) Set matplotlib.figure.tight_layout to remove excess blank space in the plot - default: True * percentile (:class:`float`) Critial region to shade on histogram - default: 95 * bins: (:class:`str`) - Set binning type. see matplotlib.hist for more info - default: 'auto' * xy: (:class:`list`/:class:`tuple`) - default: (0.2, 0.6) Returns: ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes): can be used to modify the figure """ plot_args = plot_args or {} title = plot_args.get('title', 'Spatial Test') title_fontsize = plot_args.get('title_fontsize', None) xlabel = plot_args.get('xlabel', 'Normalized pseudo-likelihood') xlabel_fontsize = plot_args.get('xlabel_fontsize', None) ylabel = plot_args.get('ylabel', 'Number of catalogs') ylabel_fontsize = plot_args.get('ylabel_fontsize', None) text_fontsize = plot_args.get('text_fontsize', 14) tight_layout = plot_args.get('tight_layout', True) percentile = plot_args.get('percentile', 95) filename = plot_args.get('filename', None) bins = plot_args.get('bins', 'auto') xy = plot_args.get('xy', (0.2, 0.6)) # handle plotting if axes: chained = True else: chained = False # supply fixed arguments to plots # might want to add other defaults here fixed_plot_args = {'obs_label': evaluation_result.obs_name, 'sim_label': evaluation_result.sim_name} plot_args.update(fixed_plot_args) ax = plot_histogram(evaluation_result.test_distribution, evaluation_result.observed_statistic, catalog=evaluation_result.obs_catalog_repr, plot_args=plot_args, bins=bins, axes=axes, percentile=percentile) # annotate plot with p-values if not chained: try: ax.annotate('$\gamma = P(X \leq x) = {:.2f}$\n$\omega = {:.2f}$' .format(evaluation_result.quantile, evaluation_result.observed_statistic), xycoords='axes fraction', xy=xy, fontsize=text_fontsize) except TypeError: # if both quantiles are provided, we want to plot the greater-equal quantile ax.annotate('$\gamma = P(X \leq x) = {:.2f}$\n$\omega = {:.2f}$' .format(evaluation_result.quantile[1], evaluation_result.observed_statistic), xycoords='axes fraction', xy=xy, fontsize=text_fontsize) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=title_fontsize) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=xlabel_fontsize) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=ylabel_fontsize) if tight_layout: ax.figure.tight_layout() if filename is not None: ax.figure.savefig(filename + '.pdf') ax.figure.savefig(filename + '.png', dpi=300) # func has different return types, before release refactor and remove plotting from evaluation. # plotting should be separated from evaluation. # evaluation should return some object that can be plotted maybe with verbose option. if show: return ax
[docs] def plot_calibration_test(evaluation_result, axes=None, plot_args=None, show=False): # set up QQ plots and KS test plot_args = plot_args or {} n = len(evaluation_result.test_distribution) k = numpy.arange(1, n + 1) # plotting points for uniform quantiles pp = k / (n + 1) # compute confidence intervals for order statistics using beta distribution ulow = scipy.stats.beta.ppf(0.025, k, n - k + 1) uhigh = scipy.stats.beta.ppf(0.975, k, n - k + 1) # get stuff from plot_args label = plot_args.get('label', evaluation_result.sim_name) xlim = plot_args.get('xlim', [0, 1.05]) ylim = plot_args.get('ylim', [0, 1.05]) xlabel = plot_args.get('xlabel', 'Quantile scores') ylabel = plot_args.get('ylabel', 'Standard uniform quantiles') color = plot_args.get('color', 'tab:blue') marker = plot_args.get('marker', 'o') size = plot_args.get('size', 5) legend_loc = plot_args.get('legend_loc', 'best') # quantiles should be sorted for plotting sorted_td = numpy.sort(evaluation_result.test_distribution) if axes is None: fig, ax = pyplot.subplots() else: ax = axes # plot qq plot _ = ax.scatter(sorted_td, pp, label=label, c=color, marker=marker, s=size) # plot uncertainty on uniform quantiles ax.plot(pp, pp, '-k') ax.plot(ulow, pp, ':k') ax.plot(uhigh, pp, ':k') ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.legend(loc=legend_loc) if show: return ax
[docs] def plot_poisson_consistency_test(eval_results, normalize=False, one_sided_lower=False, axes=None, plot_args=None, show=False): """ Plots results from CSEP1 tests following the CSEP1 convention. Note: All of the evaluations should be from the same type of evaluation, otherwise the results will not be comparable on the same figure. Args: results (list): Contains the tests results :class:`csep.core.evaluations.EvaluationResult` (see note above) normalize (bool): select this if the forecast likelihood should be normalized by the observed likelihood. useful for plotting simulation based simulation tests. one_sided_lower (bool): select this if the plot should be for a one sided test plot_args(dict): optional argument containing a dictionary of plotting arguments, with keys as strings and items as described below Optional plotting arguments: * figsize: (:class:`list`/:class:`tuple`) - default: [6.4, 4.8] * title: (:class:`str`) - default: name of the first evaluation result type * title_fontsize: (:class:`float`) Fontsize of the plot title - default: 10 * xlabel: (:class:`str`) - default: 'X' * xlabel_fontsize: (:class:`float`) - default: 10 * xticks_fontsize: (:class:`float`) - default: 10 * ylabel_fontsize: (:class:`float`) - default: 10 * color: (:class:`float`/:class:`None`) If None, sets it to red/green according to :func:`_get_marker_style` - default: 'black' * linewidth: (:class:`float`) - default: 1.5 * capsize: (:class:`float`) - default: 4 * hbars: (:class:`bool`) Flag to draw horizontal bars for each model - default: True * tight_layout: (:class:`bool`) Set matplotlib.figure.tight_layout to remove excess blank space in the plot - default: True Returns: ax (:class:`matplotlib.pyplot.axes` object) """ try: results = list(eval_results) except TypeError: results = [eval_results] results.reverse() # Parse plot arguments. More can be added here if plot_args is None: plot_args = {} figsize = plot_args.get('figsize', None) title = plot_args.get('title', results[0].name) title_fontsize = plot_args.get('title_fontsize', None) xlabel = plot_args.get('xlabel', '') xlabel_fontsize = plot_args.get('xlabel_fontsize', None) xticks_fontsize = plot_args.get('xticks_fontsize', None) ylabel_fontsize = plot_args.get('ylabel_fontsize', None) color = plot_args.get('color', 'black') linewidth = plot_args.get('linewidth', None) capsize = plot_args.get('capsize', 4) hbars = plot_args.get('hbars', True) tight_layout = plot_args.get('tight_layout', True) percentile = plot_args.get('percentile', 95) plot_mean = plot_args.get('mean', False) if axes is None: fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(figsize=figsize) else: ax = axes fig = ax.get_figure() xlims = [] for index, res in enumerate(results): # handle analytical distributions first, they are all in the form ['name', parameters]. if res.test_distribution[0] == 'poisson': plow = scipy.stats.poisson.ppf((1 - percentile / 100.) / 2., res.test_distribution[1]) phigh = scipy.stats.poisson.ppf(1 - (1 - percentile / 100.) / 2., res.test_distribution[1]) mean = res.test_distribution[1] observed_statistic = res.observed_statistic # empirical distributions else: if normalize: test_distribution = numpy.array( res.test_distribution) - res.observed_statistic observed_statistic = 0 else: test_distribution = numpy.array(res.test_distribution) observed_statistic = res.observed_statistic # compute distribution depending on type of test if one_sided_lower: plow = numpy.percentile(test_distribution, 100 - percentile) phigh = numpy.percentile(test_distribution, 100) else: plow = numpy.percentile(test_distribution, (100 - percentile) / 2.) phigh = numpy.percentile(test_distribution, 100 - (100 - percentile) / 2.) mean = numpy.mean(test_distribution) if not numpy.isinf( observed_statistic): # Check if test result does not diverges percentile_lims = numpy.abs(numpy.array([[mean - plow, phigh - mean]]).T) ax.plot(observed_statistic, index, _get_marker_style(observed_statistic, (plow, phigh), one_sided_lower)) ax.errorbar(mean, index, xerr=percentile_lims, fmt='ko' * plot_mean, capsize=capsize, linewidth=linewidth, ecolor=color) # determine the limits to use xlims.append((plow, phigh, observed_statistic)) # we want to only extent the distribution where it falls outside of it in the acceptable tail if one_sided_lower: if observed_statistic >= plow and phigh < observed_statistic: # draw dashed line to infinity xt = numpy.linspace(phigh, 99999, 100) yt = numpy.ones(100) * index ax.plot(xt, yt, linestyle='--', linewidth=linewidth, color=color) else: print('Observed statistic diverges for forecast %s, index %i.' ' Check for zero-valued bins within the forecast' % ( res.sim_name, index)) ax.barh(index, 99999, left=-10000, height=1, color=['red'], alpha=0.5) try: ax.set_xlim(*_get_axis_limits(xlims)) except ValueError: raise ValueError('All EvaluationResults have infinite ' 'observed_statistics') ax.set_yticks(numpy.arange(len(results))) ax.set_yticklabels([res.sim_name for res in results], fontsize=ylabel_fontsize) ax.set_ylim([-0.5, len(results) - 0.5]) if hbars: yTickPos = ax.get_yticks() if len(yTickPos) >= 2: ax.barh(yTickPos, numpy.array([99999] * len(yTickPos)), left=-10000, height=(yTickPos[1] - yTickPos[0]), color=['w', 'gray'], alpha=0.2, zorder=0) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=title_fontsize) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=xlabel_fontsize) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=xticks_fontsize) if tight_layout: ax.figure.tight_layout() fig.tight_layout() if show: return ax
[docs] def plot_comparison_test(results_t, results_w=None, axes=None, plot_args=None): """Plots list of T-Test (and W-Test) Results""" if plot_args is None: plot_args = {} figsize = plot_args.get('figsize', None) title = plot_args.get('title', 'CSEP1 Comparison Test') xlabel = plot_args.get('xlabel', None) ylabel = plot_args.get('ylabel', 'Information gain per earthquake') ylim = plot_args.get('ylim', (None, None)) capsize = plot_args.get('capsize', 2) linewidth = plot_args.get('linewidth', 1) markersize = plot_args.get('markersize', 2) percentile = plot_args.get('percentile', 95) xticklabels_rotation = plot_args.get('xticklabels_rotation', 90) xlabel_fontsize = plot_args.get('xlabel_fontsize', 12) ylabel_fontsize = plot_args.get('ylabel_fontsize', 12) if axes is None: fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(figsize=figsize) else: ax = axes fig = ax.get_figure() ax.axhline(y=0, linestyle='--', color='black') Results = zip(results_t, results_w) if results_w else zip(results_t) for index, result in enumerate(Results): result_t = result[0] result_w = result[1] if results_w else None ylow = result_t.observed_statistic - result_t.test_distribution[0] yhigh = result_t.test_distribution[1] - result_t.observed_statistic color = _get_marker_t_color(result_t.test_distribution) if numpy.isinf(result_t.observed_statistic): print('Diverging information gain for forecast %s, index %i.' ' Check for zero-valued bins within the forecast' % (result_t.sim_name, index)) ax.axvspan(index - 0.5, index + 0.5, alpha=0.5, facecolor='red') else: ax.errorbar(index, result_t.observed_statistic, yerr=numpy.array([[ylow, yhigh]]).T, color=color, linewidth=linewidth, capsize=capsize) if result_w is not None: if _get_marker_w_color(result_w.quantile, percentile): facecolor = _get_marker_t_color(result_t.test_distribution) else: facecolor = 'white' else: facecolor = 'white' ax.plot(index, result_t.observed_statistic, marker='o', markerfacecolor=facecolor, markeredgecolor=color, markersize=markersize) ax.set_xticks(numpy.arange(len(results_t))) ax.set_xticklabels([res.sim_name[0] for res in results_t], rotation=xticklabels_rotation, fontsize=xlabel_fontsize) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=ylabel_fontsize) ax.set_title(title) ax.yaxis.grid() xTickPos = ax.get_xticks() ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(integer=True)) ax.set_ylim([ylim[0], ylim[1]]) ax.set_xlim([-0.5, len(results_t) - 0.5]) if len(results_t) > 2:, numpy.array([9999] * len(xTickPos)), bottom=-2000, width=(xTickPos[1] - xTickPos[0]), color=['gray', 'w'], alpha=0.2) fig.tight_layout() return ax
def plot_consistency_test(eval_results, normalize=False, axes=None, one_sided_lower=False, variance=None, plot_args=None, show=False): """ Plots results from CSEP1 tests following the CSEP1 convention. Note: All of the evaluations should be from the same type of evaluation, otherwise the results will not be comparable on the same figure. Args: eval_results (list): Contains the tests results :class:`csep.core.evaluations.EvaluationResult` (see note above) normalize (bool): select this if the forecast likelihood should be normalized by the observed likelihood. useful for plotting simulation based simulation tests. one_sided_lower (bool): select this if the plot should be for a one sided test plot_args(dict): optional argument containing a dictionary of plotting arguments, with keys as strings and items as described below Optional plotting arguments: * figsize: (:class:`list`/:class:`tuple`) - default: [6.4, 4.8] * title: (:class:`str`) - default: name of the first evaluation result type * title_fontsize: (:class:`float`) Fontsize of the plot title - default: 10 * xlabel: (:class:`str`) - default: 'X' * xlabel_fontsize: (:class:`float`) - default: 10 * xticks_fontsize: (:class:`float`) - default: 10 * ylabel_fontsize: (:class:`float`) - default: 10 * color: (:class:`float`/:class:`None`) If None, sets it to red/green according to :func:`_get_marker_style` - default: 'black' * linewidth: (:class:`float`) - default: 1.5 * capsize: (:class:`float`) - default: 4 * hbars: (:class:`bool`) Flag to draw horizontal bars for each model - default: True * tight_layout: (:class:`bool`) Set matplotlib.figure.tight_layout to remove excess blank space in the plot - default: True Returns: ax (:class:`matplotlib.pyplot.axes` object) """ try: results = list(eval_results) except TypeError: results = [eval_results] results.reverse() # Parse plot arguments. More can be added here if plot_args is None: plot_args = {} figsize = plot_args.get('figsize', None) title = plot_args.get('title', results[0].name) title_fontsize = plot_args.get('title_fontsize', None) xlabel = plot_args.get('xlabel', '') xlabel_fontsize = plot_args.get('xlabel_fontsize', None) xticks_fontsize = plot_args.get('xticks_fontsize', None) ylabel_fontsize = plot_args.get('ylabel_fontsize', None) color = plot_args.get('color', 'black') linewidth = plot_args.get('linewidth', None) capsize = plot_args.get('capsize', 4) hbars = plot_args.get('hbars', True) tight_layout = plot_args.get('tight_layout', True) percentile = plot_args.get('percentile', 95) plot_mean = plot_args.get('mean', False) if axes is None: fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(figsize=figsize) else: ax = axes fig = ax.get_figure() xlims = [] for index, res in enumerate(results): # handle analytical distributions first, they are all in the form ['name', parameters]. if res.test_distribution[0] == 'poisson': plow = scipy.stats.poisson.ppf((1 - percentile / 100.) / 2., res.test_distribution[1]) phigh = scipy.stats.poisson.ppf(1 - (1 - percentile / 100.) / 2., res.test_distribution[1]) mean = res.test_distribution[1] observed_statistic = res.observed_statistic elif res.test_distribution[0] == 'negative_binomial': var = variance observed_statistic = res.observed_statistic mean = res.test_distribution[1] upsilon = 1.0 - ((var - mean) / var) tau = (mean ** 2 / (var - mean)) plow = scipy.stats.nbinom.ppf((1 - percentile / 100.) / 2., tau, upsilon) phigh = scipy.stats.nbinom.ppf(1 - (1 - percentile / 100.) / 2., tau, upsilon) # empirical distributions else: if normalize: test_distribution = numpy.array( res.test_distribution) - res.observed_statistic observed_statistic = 0 else: test_distribution = numpy.array(res.test_distribution) observed_statistic = res.observed_statistic # compute distribution depending on type of test if one_sided_lower: plow = numpy.percentile(test_distribution, 5) phigh = numpy.percentile(test_distribution, 100) else: plow = numpy.percentile(test_distribution, 2.5) phigh = numpy.percentile(test_distribution, 97.5) mean = numpy.mean(res.test_distribution) if not numpy.isinf( observed_statistic): # Check if test result does not diverges percentile_lims = numpy.array([[mean - plow, phigh - mean]]).T ax.plot(observed_statistic, index, _get_marker_style(observed_statistic, (plow, phigh), one_sided_lower)) ax.errorbar(mean, index, xerr=percentile_lims, fmt='ko' * plot_mean, capsize=capsize, linewidth=linewidth, ecolor=color) # determine the limits to use xlims.append((plow, phigh, observed_statistic)) # we want to only extent the distribution where it falls outside of it in the acceptable tail if one_sided_lower: if observed_statistic >= plow and phigh < observed_statistic: # draw dashed line to infinity xt = numpy.linspace(phigh, 99999, 100) yt = numpy.ones(100) * index ax.plot(xt, yt, linestyle='--', linewidth=linewidth, color=color) else: print('Observed statistic diverges for forecast %s, index %i.' ' Check for zero-valued bins within the forecast' % ( res.sim_name, index)) ax.barh(index, 99999, left=-10000, height=1, color=['red'], alpha=0.5) try: ax.set_xlim(*_get_axis_limits(xlims)) except ValueError: raise ValueError( 'All EvaluationResults have infinite observed_statistics') ax.set_yticks(numpy.arange(len(results))) ax.set_yticklabels([res.sim_name for res in results], fontsize=ylabel_fontsize) ax.set_ylim([-0.5, len(results) - 0.5]) if hbars: yTickPos = ax.get_yticks() if len(yTickPos) >= 2: ax.barh(yTickPos, numpy.array([99999] * len(yTickPos)), left=-10000, height=(yTickPos[1] - yTickPos[0]), color=['w', 'gray'], alpha=0.2, zorder=0) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=title_fontsize) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=xlabel_fontsize) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=xticks_fontsize) if tight_layout: ax.figure.tight_layout() fig.tight_layout() if show: return ax def plot_pvalues_and_intervals(test_results, ax, var=None): """ Plots p-values and intervals for a list of Poisson or NBD test results Args: test_results (list): list of EvaluationResults for N-test. All tests should use the same distribution (ie Poisson or NBD). ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes.axis): axes to use for plot. create using matplotlib var (float): variance of the NBD distribution. Must be used for NBD plots. Returns: ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes.axis): axes handle containing this plot Raises: ValueError: throws error if NBD tests are supplied without a variance """ variance = var percentile = 97.5 p_values = [] # Differentiate between N-tests and other consistency tests if test_results[0].name == 'NBD N-Test' or test_results[ 0].name == 'Poisson N-Test': legend_elements = [ matplotlib.lines.Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', color='red', lw=0, label=r'p < 10e-5', markersize=10, markeredgecolor='k'), matplotlib.lines.Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', color='#FF7F50', lw=0, label=r'10e-5 $\leq$ p < 10e-4', markersize=10, markeredgecolor='k'), matplotlib.lines.Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', color='gold', lw=0, label=r'10e-4 $\leq$ p < 10e-3', markersize=10, markeredgecolor='k'), matplotlib.lines.Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', color='white', lw=0, label=r'10e-3 $\leq$ p < 0.0125', markersize=10, markeredgecolor='k'), matplotlib.lines.Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', color='skyblue', lw=0, label=r'0.0125 $\leq$ p < 0.025', markersize=10, markeredgecolor='k'), matplotlib.lines.Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', color='blue', lw=0, label=r'p $\geq$ 0.025', markersize=10, markeredgecolor='k')] ax.legend(handles=legend_elements, loc=4, fontsize=13, edgecolor='k') # Act on Negative binomial tests if test_results[0].name == 'NBD N-Test': if var is None: raise ValueError( "var must not be None if N-tests use the NBD distribution.") for i in range(len(test_results)): mean = test_results[i].test_distribution[1] upsilon = 1.0 - ((variance - mean) / variance) tau = (mean ** 2 / (variance - mean)) phigh97 = scipy.stats.nbinom.ppf( (1 - percentile / 100.) / 2., tau, upsilon ) plow97 = scipy.stats.nbinom.ppf( 1 - (1 - percentile / 100.) / 2., tau, upsilon ) low97 = test_results[i].observed_statistic - plow97 high97 = phigh97 - test_results[i].observed_statistic ax.errorbar(test_results[i].observed_statistic, (len(test_results) - 1) - i, xerr=numpy.array([[low97, high97]]).T, capsize=4, color='slategray', alpha=1.0, zorder=0) p_values.append(test_results[i].quantile[ 1] * 2.0) # Calculated p-values according to Meletti et al., (2021) if p_values[i] < 10e-5: ax.plot(test_results[i].observed_statistic, (len(test_results) - 1) - i, marker='o', color='red', markersize=8, zorder=2) if p_values[i] >= 10e-5 and p_values[i] < 10e-4: ax.plot(test_results[i].observed_statistic, (len(test_results) - 1) - i, marker='o', color='#FF7F50', markersize=8, zorder=2) if p_values[i] >= 10e-4 and p_values[i] < 10e-3: ax.plot(test_results[i].observed_statistic, (len(test_results) - 1) - i, marker='o', color='gold', markersize=8, zorder=2) if p_values[i] >= 10e-3 and p_values[i] < 0.0125: ax.plot(test_results[i].observed_statistic, (len(test_results) - 1) - i, marker='o', color='white', markersize=8, zorder=2) if p_values[i] >= 0.0125 and p_values[i] < 0.025: ax.plot(test_results[i].observed_statistic, (len(test_results) - 1) - i, marker='o', color='skyblue', markersize=8, zorder=2) if p_values[i] >= 0.025: ax.plot(test_results[i].observed_statistic, (len(test_results) - 1) - i, marker='o', color='blue', markersize=8, zorder=2) # Act on Poisson N-test if test_results[0].name == 'Poisson N-Test': for i in range(len(test_results)): plow97 = scipy.stats.poisson.ppf((1 - percentile / 100.) / 2., test_results[ i].test_distribution[1]) phigh97 = scipy.stats.poisson.ppf( 1 - (1 - percentile / 100.) / 2., test_results[i].test_distribution[1]) low97 = test_results[i].observed_statistic - plow97 high97 = phigh97 - test_results[i].observed_statistic ax.errorbar(test_results[i].observed_statistic, (len(test_results) - 1) - i, xerr=numpy.array([[low97, high97]]).T, capsize=4, color='slategray', alpha=1.0, zorder=0) p_values.append(test_results[i].quantile[1] * 2.0) if p_values[i] < 10e-5: ax.plot(test_results[i].observed_statistic, (len(test_results) - 1) - i, marker='o', color='red', markersize=8, zorder=2) elif p_values[i] >= 10e-5 and p_values[i] < 10e-4: ax.plot(test_results[i].observed_statistic, (len(test_results) - 1) - i, marker='o', color='#FF7F50', markersize=8, zorder=2) elif p_values[i] >= 10e-4 and p_values[i] < 10e-3: ax.plot(test_results[i].observed_statistic, (len(test_results) - 1) - i, marker='o', color='gold', markersize=8, zorder=2) elif p_values[i] >= 10e-3 and p_values[i] < 0.0125: ax.plot(test_results[i].observed_statistic, (len(test_results) - 1) - i, marker='o', color='white', markersize=8, zorder=2) elif p_values[i] >= 0.0125 and p_values[i] < 0.025: ax.plot(test_results[i].observed_statistic, (len(test_results) - 1) - i, marker='o', color='skyblue', markersize=8, zorder=2) elif p_values[i] >= 0.025: ax.plot(test_results[i].observed_statistic, (len(test_results) - 1) - i, marker='o', color='blue', markersize=8, zorder=2) # Operate on all other consistency tests else: for i in range(len(test_results)): plow97 = numpy.percentile(test_results[i].test_distribution, 2.5) phigh97 = numpy.percentile(test_results[i].test_distribution, 97.5) low97 = test_results[i].observed_statistic - plow97 high97 = phigh97 - test_results[i].observed_statistic ax.errorbar(test_results[i].observed_statistic, (len(test_results) - 1) - i, xerr=numpy.array([[low97, high97]]).T, capsize=4, color='slategray', alpha=1.0, zorder=0) p_values.append(test_results[i].quantile) if p_values[i] < 10e-5: ax.plot(test_results[i].observed_statistic, (len(test_results) - 1) - i, marker='o', color='red', markersize=8, zorder=2) elif p_values[i] >= 10e-5 and p_values[i] < 10e-4: ax.plot(test_results[i].observed_statistic, (len(test_results) - 1) - i, marker='o', color='#FF7F50', markersize=8, zorder=2) elif p_values[i] >= 10e-4 and p_values[i] < 10e-3: ax.plot(test_results[i].observed_statistic, (len(test_results) - 1) - i, marker='o', color='gold', markersize=8, zorder=2) elif p_values[i] >= 10e-3 and p_values[i] < 0.025: ax.plot(test_results[i].observed_statistic, (len(test_results) - 1) - i, marker='o', color='white', markersize=8, zorder=2) elif p_values[i] >= 0.025 and p_values[i] < 0.05: ax.plot(test_results[i].observed_statistic, (len(test_results) - 1) - i, marker='o', color='skyblue', markersize=8, zorder=2) elif p_values[i] >= 0.05: ax.plot(test_results[i].observed_statistic, (len(test_results) - 1) - i, marker='o', color='blue', markersize=8, zorder=2) legend_elements = [ matplotlib.lines.Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', color='red', lw=0, label=r'p < 10e-5', markersize=10, markeredgecolor='k'), matplotlib.lines.Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', color='#FF7F50', lw=0, label=r'10e-5 $\leq$ p < 10e-4', markersize=10, markeredgecolor='k'), matplotlib.lines.Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', color='gold', lw=0, label=r'10e-4 $\leq$ p < 10e-3', markersize=10, markeredgecolor='k'), matplotlib.lines.Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', color='white', lw=0, label=r'10e-3 $\leq$ p < 0.025', markersize=10, markeredgecolor='k'), matplotlib.lines.Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', color='skyblue', lw=0, label=r'0.025 $\leq$ p < 0.05', markersize=10, markeredgecolor='k'), matplotlib.lines.Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', color='blue', lw=0, label=r'p $\geq$ 0.05', markersize=10, markeredgecolor='k')] ax.legend(handles=legend_elements, loc=4, fontsize=13, edgecolor='k') return ax def plot_ROC(forecast, catalog, axes=None, plot_uniform=True, savepdf=True, savepng=True, show=True, plot_args=None): """ Plot Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) Curves based on forecast and test catalog. The ROC is computed following this procedure: (1) Obtain spatial rates from GriddedForecast (2) Rank the rates in descending order (highest rates first). (3) Sort forecasted rates by ordering found in (2), and normalize rates so the cumulative sum equals unity. (4) Obtain binned spatial rates from observed catalog (5) Sort gridded observed rates by ordering found in (2), and normalize so the cumulative sum equals unity. (6) Compute spatial bin areas, sort by ordering found in (2), and normalize so the cumulative sum equals unity. (7) Plot ordered and cumulated rates (forecast and catalog) against ordered and cumulated bin areas. Note that: (1) The testing catalog and forecast should have exactly the same time-window (duration) (2) Forecasts should be defined over the same region (3) If calling this function multiple times, update the color in plot_args Args: forecast (:class: `csep.forecast.GriddedForecast`): catalog (:class:`AbstractBaseCatalog`): evaluation catalog axes (:class:``): Previously defined ax object savepdf (str): output option of pdf file savepng (str): output option of png file plot_uniform (bool): if true, include uniform forecast on plot Optional plotting arguments: * figsize: (:class:`list`/:class:`tuple`) - default: [9, 8] * forecast_linecolor: (:class:`str`) - default: 'black' * title_fontsize: (:class:`float`) Fontsize of the plot title - default: 18 * forecast_linecolor: (:class:`str`) - default: 'black' * forecast_linestyle: (:class:`str`) - default: '-' * observed_linecolor: (:class:`str`) - default: 'blue' * observed_linestyle: (:class:`str`) - default: '-' * forecast_label: (:class:`str`) - default: Observed (Forecast) * legend_fontsize: (:class:`float`) Fontsize of the plot title - default: 16 * legend_loc: (:class:`str`) - default: 'upper left' * title_fontsize: (:class:`float`) Fontsize of the plot title - default: 18 * label_fontsize: (:class:`float`) Fontsize of the plot title - default: 14 * title: (:class:`str`) - default: 'ROC Curve' * filename: (:class:`str`) - default: roc_curve. Returns: :class:`` object Raises: TypeError: throws error if CatalogForecast-like object is provided RuntimeError: throws error if Catalog and Forecast do not have the same region Written by Han Bao, UCLA, March 2021. Modified June 2021. """ if not catalog.region == forecast.region: raise RuntimeError( "catalog region and forecast region must be identical.") # Parse plotting arguments plot_args = plot_args or {} figsize = plot_args.get('figsize', (9, 8)) forecast_linecolor = plot_args.get('forecast_linecolor', 'black') forecast_linestyle = plot_args.get('forecast_linestyle', '-') observed_linecolor = plot_args.get('observed_linecolor', 'blue') observed_linestyle = plot_args.get('observed_linestyle', '-') legend_fontsize = plot_args.get('legend_fontsize', 16) legend_loc = plot_args.get('legend_loc', 'upper left') title_fontsize = plot_args.get('title_fontsize', 18) label_fontsize = plot_args.get('label_fontsize', 14) filename = plot_args.get('filename', 'roc_figure') title = plot_args.get('title', 'ROC Curve') # Plot catalog ordered by forecast rates name = if not name: name = '' else: name = f'({name})' forecast_label = plot_args.get('forecast_label', f'Forecast {name}') observed_label = plot_args.get('observed_label', f'Observed {name}') # Initialize figure if axes is not None: ax = axes else: fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(figsize=figsize) # This part could be vectorized if optimizations become necessary # Initialize array to store cell area in km^2 area_km2 = catalog.region.get_cell_area() obs_counts = catalog.spatial_counts() # Obtain rates (or counts) aggregated in spatial cells # If CatalogForecast, needs expected rates. Might take some time to compute. rate = forecast.spatial_counts() # Get index of rates (descending sort) I = numpy.argsort(rate) I = numpy.flip(I) # Order forecast and cells rates by highest rate cells first fore_norm_sorted = numpy.cumsum(rate[I]) / numpy.sum(rate) area_norm_sorted = numpy.cumsum(area_km2[I]) / numpy.sum(area_km2) # Compute normalized and sorted rates of observations obs_norm_sorted = numpy.cumsum(obs_counts[I]) / numpy.sum(obs_counts) # Plot uniform forecast if plot_uniform: ax.plot(area_norm_sorted, area_norm_sorted, 'k--', label='Uniform') # Plot sorted and normalized forecast (descending order) ax.plot(area_norm_sorted, fore_norm_sorted, label=forecast_label, color=forecast_linecolor, linestyle=forecast_linestyle) # Plot cell-wise rates of observed catalog ordered by forecast rates (descending order) ax.step(area_norm_sorted, obs_norm_sorted, label=observed_label, color=observed_linecolor, linestyle=observed_linestyle) # Plotting arguments ax.set_ylabel("True Positive Rate", fontsize=label_fontsize) ax.set_xlabel('False Positive Rate (Normalized Area)', fontsize=label_fontsize) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.legend(loc=legend_loc, shadow=True, fontsize=legend_fontsize) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=title_fontsize) if filename: if savepdf: outFile = "{}.pdf".format(filename) pyplot.savefig(outFile, format='pdf') if savepng: outFile = "{}.png".format(filename) pyplot.savefig(outFile, format='png') if show: return ax def _get_marker_style(obs_stat, p, one_sided_lower): """Returns matplotlib marker style as fmt string""" if obs_stat < p[0] or obs_stat > p[1]: # red circle fmt = 'ro' else: # green square fmt = 'gs' if one_sided_lower: if obs_stat < p[0]: fmt = 'ro' else: fmt = 'gs' return fmt def _get_marker_t_color(distribution): """Returns matplotlib marker style as fmt string""" if distribution[0] > 0. and distribution[1] > 0.: fmt = 'green' elif distribution[0] < 0. and distribution[1] < 0.: fmt = 'red' else: fmt = 'grey' return fmt def _get_marker_w_color(distribution, percentile): """Returns matplotlib marker style as fmt string""" if distribution < (1 - percentile / 100): fmt = True else: fmt = False return fmt def _get_axis_limits(pnts, border=0.05): """Returns a tuple of x_min and x_max given points on plot.""" x_min = numpy.min(pnts) x_max = numpy.max(pnts) xd = (x_max - x_min) * border return (x_min - xd, x_max + xd) def _get_basemap(basemap): if basemap == 'stamen_terrain': tiles = img_tiles.Stamen('terrain') elif basemap == 'stamen_terrain-background': tiles = img_tiles.Stamen('terrain-background') elif basemap == 'google-satellite': tiles = img_tiles.GoogleTiles(style='satellite') elif basemap == 'ESRI_terrain': webservice = '' \ 'MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}.jpg' tiles = img_tiles.GoogleTiles(url=webservice) elif basemap == 'ESRI_imagery': webservice = '' \ 'MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}.jpg' tiles = img_tiles.GoogleTiles(url=webservice) elif basemap == 'ESRI_relief': webservice = '' \ 'MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}.jpg' tiles = img_tiles.GoogleTiles(url=webservice) elif basemap == 'ESRI_topo': webservice = '' \ 'MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}.jpg' tiles = img_tiles.GoogleTiles(url=webservice) else: try: webservice = basemap tiles = img_tiles.GoogleTiles(url=webservice) except: raise ValueError('Basemap type not valid or not implemented') return tiles
[docs] def add_labels_for_publication(figure, style='bssa', labelsize=16): """ Adds publication labels too the outside of a figure. """ all_axes = figure.get_axes() ascii_iter = iter(string.ascii_lowercase) for ax in all_axes: # check for colorbar and ignore for annotations if ax.get_label() == 'Colorbar': continue annot = next(ascii_iter) if style == 'bssa': ax.annotate(f'({annot})', (0.025, 1.025), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=labelsize) return